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The Like Button.


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I have mixed feeling regarding the 'Like Button', personally I think it reduces the number of comments/replies that images receive. The number of comments made on images on this forum is very low, it's not unusual to see 20-30 views and 2,3 or 4 comments. I blame the 'Like Button to a certain degree, but I can't think what else is the reason. I do use the 'Like Button' myself... but only because so many others do the same... I wouldn't miss it. If I received more feedback on my images I would make more effort to reply others. Anyone else want to comment?

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I prefer the like button to having 20 posts saying nothing more than "nice shot" or "well taken".  I click the like button if I genuinely like a post, but I don't make a comment unless I have something to say that hasn't already been said.

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I prefer the like button to having 20 posts saying nothing more than "nice shot" or "well taken".  I click the like button if I genuinely like a post, but I don't make a comment unless I have something to say that hasn't already been said.

My sentiments also sometimes I feel a bit like an echo, i am not very good at critique but selfishly I do like to receive constructive critique or a  different pov :) 

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I brought this up 12 months ago,  but since then I have used "like" more, like someone says above I don't always have something to say about a picture. 

I'm a relative newby to Photography, imagine how someone really experienced would feel if I stuck my oar in on a really impressive picture?? 


on the flip side I do wish (being a learner) more people would comment, I'm sticking my neck out here but as I can recall the most honest person on here is Colin.  


I don't think there is "correct" answer to this, I think a few of us even myself need to be a little more honest instead of keeping quiet make a noise!!

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I brought this up 12 months ago,  but since then I have used "like" more, like someone says above I don't always have something to say about a picture. 

I'm a relative newby to Photography, imagine how someone really experienced would feel if I stuck my oar in on a really impressive picture?? 


on the flip side I do wish (being a learner) more people would comment, I'm sticking my neck out here but as I can recall the most honest person on here is Colin.  


I don't think there is "correct" answer to this, I think a few of us even myself need to be a little more honest instead of keeping quiet make a noise!!

Well, I can't stop pressing the button, lol.....I just love pressing it :rofl:

No, seriously..... I agree with the comments made on this topic, but it's nice to receive a 'like' as this also shows (for me) that a member has looked at my photo and taken the time to show that they like it.


However, I find it helpful to receive a comment and if that member offers critique, then all the better.  I also prefer an honest, 'say it as you feel' opinion regarding photos, at least I know where I am then with regard to my next plan of action to improve the shot if I was able to take it again etc....


For me, I've always been the type, (based on my nature lol), to try not to upset a person's feelings etc, and therefore be truthful but indirect with a comment, but 'life's' experience over the last 2 years has encouraged me to think differently about things and about how I can give an honest opinion without feeling too bad about it.  Sorry for the waffle, hope I've made sense, lol. 

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You know.....I have never used the like button .....not because I don't like it, but I would rather comment honestly or just say nowt........I don't believe that anyone should expect a comment every time but it is good to receive honest opinions and suggestions ......'Tis good for your photographic development.


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I use it for pictures that especially make me look and think wow, but I'll also use it for comments or other posts that I think are relevant and helpful, either to me or to the original poster or both (my criteria and choices may be different to other people's).


It is a common situation on forum and photosharing sites that pictures get lots of views and few comments*. Here we have the option to comment and also the like button gives us the option to say 'me too' even if we don't have something specific to add to the discussion.


*We do have the "image critique" section here if people want specific feedback or more in-depth analysis. It's not used much, but maybe viewers and commenters are a bit reluctant to give criticism at a useful level on pictures that aren't in there (or unless the poster says that's what they want)

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I agree with bugs many sites have more views than posts

This is due to it all been said before or its not of your taste or you dont want to offend or you just like it and dont know what to say hence the like button

The art of putting your view to someone elses image has to be crafted very skillfully Its so easy to phrase it wrong and offend

imagine how someone really experienced would feel if I stuck my oar in on a really impressive picture??

but your slant, right or wrong, might be the starting point for a new look at whats been presented All viewers of images have an opinion whether they are skilled or not

If nobody said they liked an image then there would be little  point in taking them


The thing to avoid is a negative critism such as "I dont like flowers" things in this vein are less than useful

I always remember that I dont have to take the advice / critisim given. I made the image I like what I made so if the critisim is  not helpful I just forget it but if it is helpful I will try the recomandation if possable and see if the result is  better


Please note my spelling is attrosious and my spell check is worse

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I like the 'like' button because you know someone has taken more than a second or two to look at your image and record the fact they have.


Yes it is nicer to read a comment (well maybe not my comments) but there are quite a lot of posts everyday and I'm sure we don't have the time to post on everything and at least being able to say you looked says something -doesn't it?

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I like the 'like' button because you know someone has taken more than a second or two to look at your image and record the fact they have.


Yes it is nicer to read a comment (well maybe not my comments) but there are quite a lot of posts everyday and I'm sure we don't have the time to post on everything and at least being able to say you looked says something -doesn't it?


Ya... you are probably right.

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Not strictly to do with the Like button, but there are reasons other than apathy why some posts get a lot of views and fewer comments: 


1. I often see a post I want to comment on but my husband is watching a film so I don't want to interrupt with keyboard noise. So I'll go back later to comment, meaning that I've produced two views for my one comment.


2. I see a post and comment on it, but then every time it shows up on the new post lists, I go back to see what other people have said - this can mean any number of views for my one comment.


3. I view the post and have no strong feelings about the image one way or the other, or it's not a subject that interests me. Therefore I don't comment, but I still may read what other people have said.

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I openly admit that I am more of a 'social' member than a techno one. I like to keep up with what is going on here in all sections, but rarely add a technically based comment. A 'like' from me means I have viewed the picture and do like what I see. I don't add a 'like' if I don't like it! For me, It;s also useful to show I've seen the post, especially in 'catch up' mode, and quite a few comments have already been added.

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A few thoughts.


I wonder if sometimes members don't feel confident enough to comment on some images as it may not be there area/expertise so use the 'Like' button as they still...well...like the image. 


Do we always have the time to leave a comment?

I often jump in and out while at work, out and about, watching TV, having a bath, walking the dog, picking my nose...you get the idea so a quick 'Like' is a great way of letting the OP know their image has been seen.


Do all images need a comment?

Some shots are nice and while I understand the OP has taken the time to take the shot, process it and post it there may not be a suitable comment other than "Thats nice" so is the 'Like' button not just as effective.



All that said I like to find comments on my images as - call me vain if you like - I like to think I can take a shot that others appreciate.

A 'Like' is almost as good but scrolling down a page of comments makes one feel better.

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Kate makes an excellent point, the 'Views' gives a completely false impression of how many times a topic is actually looked at for commenting purposes, if I could remove it I would. In fact, I may look into doing just that.

As the site owner part of my admin duties is to view each and every post made, that in itself will bump the 'Views' total. This thread for instance, I've already viewed it 9 times!


We also need to consider a members field of interest. Personally, were I not admin, I would never open the Macro and Monochrome sections as they don't appeal to me. There was a time when I found macro fascinating but that has since waned. That's not to say that I'm not blown away by some of the postings though.


I feel the Like button has a very important part to play within the forum, as said before, members may not have the knowledge to explain why they like a shot, they simply do. Also, we all lead busy lives, and personal issues often get in the way ;)

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kate is very right in what she says. I will often look at a post more than once, sometimes just to see the image again because I love it, sometimes to catch up on other members comments. I take no notice of how many views a post has had. and when doing picture of the week, I can go backwards and forwards through images to make my decision.


I like the like button. if I like an image but don't have much time, I use it. if I more than like an image I usually comment and hit the like button.


I cannot/will not offer any critique on an image, as that is a job for the big boys, the guys here who really know their stuff, not for the likes of me.

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I agree Annie, I enjoy viewing all of the images on here, via the New Posts button and can only show how I do things with someone who is struggling.
I'm not experienced as experienced as a lot of people on here, so leave it to the people who know what they are talking about, while on the other hand I am happy to take advice to improve my pictures as in my Butterfly pics yesterday.
After shooting and then editing my eyes don't see what others might notice and give me advice or show me how to fix a certain pic.
It's also nice to see someone just starting and being confident to share their pics, good or bad, and then improving day by day with help from other members.

Viewing other's shots helps me as well as enjoying seeing them.
So thanks everyone for sharing.

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