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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Please note  there is an important notice to read regarding the future of this site ... see link below :-


Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 




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for the past 12 months the kids and wife have been going on about having a dog. I finally gave in yesterday, little thing is only 7 months old his last owner handed him back to the kennels for some strange reason?  untrained, and doesn't seem to know how to play so god knows what they did with him for  months...

2 days in my kids have hardly beeen in the house, no Xbox's and no TV!!  

he's going to make a massive difference to our family, lots more days out and walks in the countryside. I also think he'd going to have a few photo's taken of him :)






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That is one cute looking pooch Leon.....your life will change now.......We all know here on TIPF just how much pleasure BP and his family get from owning their lovable mutt....Jasper.

22 years ago we took in our current Moggy as a reject from her first owners.....we were told at the time she was unfriendly .....but time, patience an Love have proved them all wrong.....she is still with us, creaking a bit at the joints like me, her place, is curled up on my lap as I watch tv, read or browse on my iPad.



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Well done in taking Alfie on Leon. Even though you don't know how he was treated in the first months, he should be young enough to learn to fully appreciate what you and your family can give him. Look forward to more pictures as he grows up. :D

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