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I was determined not to let the weathr get the better of me today, so out came the camera waterproof cover and then I managed to buy a fold back rubber lens hood to help prevent raindrops on the lens.


I battled around our local market and main street....here are two local ladies who are always pleased to have their pics taken, both were happy despite the foul weather....I guess that folks of my vintage and even older (like these two ;-) still retain something of their Wartime Spirit of ....Keep Calm and Stay Dry?


Both will receive large prints in due course............You can probably guess that I am over the moon with my new lens....I have been surprised that I don't need to get in as close as I imagined....that helps subject confidence and comfort:


Best Viewed LARGE....Click on Pics:





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I remember you once made the comment about the 50mm being an  'up your nose lens'  - I said nothing at the time but I'm glad you found the truth to be a little difference. I find the niffty does make you work but often the results are worth it. I sometimes find keeping the focus point in the center of the lens can result in chopping off the bottom of whatever I'm photographing, just wondering if you find the same looking at pic 1.

Both very nice liking the strong colours too.

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I have been surprised that I don't need to get in as close as I imagined....that helps subject confidence and comfort:


With the cropped sensor it is like a medium tele lens of 85mm without the bulk


Nice images sharp as sharp can be

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I remember you once made the comment about the 50mm being an  'up your nose lens'  - I said nothing at the time but I'm glad you found the truth to be a little difference. I find the niffty does make you work but often the results are worth it. I sometimes find keeping the focus point in the center of the lens can result in chopping off the bottom of whatever I'm photographing, just wondering if you find the same looking at pic 1.

Both very nice liking the strong colours too.

Thank you Colin ( and all others) .....I do recall saying that, but I was still in my photographic infancy then......I also remember stating that I couldn't understand why photographers shot in mono......now I love the challenges and beauty of mono processing.....I've growed up.

I am only just realising what a cropped sensor means, and why I don't have to get as close as when I have my little Panasonic LX5 set on 50 mm.

The lens is a revelation to me........I am still experimenting with focus points......the shot you mention was fired from the hip, not looking at the LCD screen......I did take a full length shot just prior to taking this one with the blue hood.



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I sometimes find keeping the focus point in the center of the lens can result in chopping off the bottom of whatever I'm photographing


Which is one of the reasons I use back button focusing on the canon

one push of the back button focus and locked. Tilt down (allowing the hyperfocal distance to take up any variation in distance) 1/2 press of the shutter exposure locked and click

Wide open aperture is a bit more tricky with the shallow dof but in general its good

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Which is one of the reasons I use back button focusing on the canon

one push of the back button focus and locked. Tilt down (allowing the hyperfocal distance to take up any variation in distance) 1/2 press of the shutter exposure locked and click

Wide open aperture is a bit more tricky with the shallow dof but in general its good

You have completely lost me there Fuzzy........I use a SONY A55 offering a choice of focus points, but I don't recall seeing what you call a....Back Button.....

I do have the focus set at the centre point currently, what might be a better setting for street and candid portrait work?

I have always been scared off by camera techie gobbledygook ....... Me being a completely no numbers person I shoot what I see.

Thank you for your interesting input.

Thank you to too to all other positive commenters.


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You have completely lost me there Fuzzy


Sorry about that Fuji but on the canon (this is the only camera I know something about) you can customise what most of the buttons do

Normally the shutter button 1/2 way down focus's  This I have altered to locking exposure

One of the buttons at the back (the one that falls under my thumb) I have customised to focus

Advantages once focused I can remove my thumb and move the camera about without disturbing where I focused within reason

I appreciate that this might not be possable with a Sony, then again?


I dont know Sony but the centre focus point is sometimes more accurate than the outer ones

I often set the right hand furthest one as the active one Then when I turn my camera portrait it becomes the top one

As there is more head below the eyes than above I can focus on the eyes and keep chin and neck in frame

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After taking advice from 'you know who' I've ditched the idea of getting an 85mm in favour of the nifty 1.4,


I have both the canon 50 1.4 and the canon 85 1.8 Love both but would side on the 85 if pushed

Those at temple were with the 50 but most of my portraits were with the 85 (I really should state what I am shooting with)

Without the cropped sensor I would probably own an 85 and a 135 with a full sensor you really have to work with a 50


I havnt tried the 50 1.8 but it gets very good reports (1.4 has build questions if I remember correctlybut they havnt shown up on mine in the last couple of years ) and its 100+ cheaper The question is do you really need black cat in coal hole capabilities

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Sorry to hijack your thread Fooj.


Fuzz you have thrown me totally now. I had my heart set on the 85 as all the reviews give it full marks but general opinion went with the 50 as on a crop sensor would me the equivalent of an 85 on full frame.

The lens will be used for my sisters wedding in august so time yet to get my head around things.

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Doubely sorry Fuji but its the quality of your images thats started this


Phil if room is tight and light is low (Although I doubt you will shoot much at 1,4 due to the limited dof ) then the 50 is great but it is still a med telephoto on a cropped sensor

If you are shooting more towards full people or in the church then the extra length of the 85 is great for candid

Both have superb Bokah possably the 85 more so

Dont dismiss the 50 1.8 just because its cheaper It really does get some good reviews

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Please continue, I am so pleased to have initiated such an exchange and to learn that I might be influencing a lens purchase, it is what this Forum is all about.

As to which lens you buy Phil.....could I suggest that you treat yourself to the 85, then put out a clear message all round close to your birthday or Christmas that you would really like a Nifty-Fifty?

Alternatively, get the 85 new, then trawl eBay like I did, until the right 50 comes along?

Phil, thank you for your kind comments.


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I would love  50mm but must be good now lol.
I do have a Pentagon 50mm lens with a Nikon fitting but I couldn't really get a proper focus with it, and have been told that I would need an adaptor that contains another lens which make up the focus with a Nikon camera.to be able to get the best out of it.

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Tut tut Tina, I'm surprised at you!  :rolleyes:

The way I look at it Phil, is that I don't drink or smoke, I don't beleive in paying outragious prices for clothes and shoes, so my ferrets, computers and camera's are my hobby.   :lol:  (That's what I tell my hubby too.)

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At the risk of taking over Fujis' thread with a couple of my pictures (which I apologise for)  can I just say don’t discount the 1.4 because of DOF, these 3 pictures were taken at 1.4 and yes you have to be aware of the depth of field but you would with a 1.8. - I bought the 1.4 because of the extra light factor and have never regretted it and I bought the lens via ebay, viewed it before purchasing, cost me not much more than a 1.8. If you can afford the extra I would recommend the F1.4.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Fuji, your photos have made me smile.  I'm charmed with the clarity and excellent colour, particularly in the first one and love how the lady has applied her lipstick and how she has it slightly overlapping her lipline, lol.  You've caught the true essence of both the more 'mature' lady lol and just the overall idea behind your pic.

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Thank you Beth........the First Lady has known me for ever, so perhaps we don't notice each other aging ......the second one is a real character possessing a fantastic sense of humour as she negotiates the town using her wheeled walker, she is never miserable, always has a smile, enjoys a joke, obviously takes great care with her 1940s? Style of makeup ........I know exactly where to find her on pleasanter days......on her favourite bench, tucked inside a supermarket corner, drinking from a plastic coffee cup and smoking a cigarette.

Because of the current weather, I haven't seen her to give her a print of this shot......she has been delighted with past ones.

To reveal the character of a subject, I believe I need to build up a friendly relationship so that the Subject and I are relaxed and natural as the shutter is pressed.

There are, of course, times during candid Street Photography a subject reacts very positively if they spot the camera.....an example of this is a recent post, featuring the shop window dresser holding a squeegee.


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