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On the fence....

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 I have actually taken this pic four times ... Twice with the clematis leaves as the focus ...and twice with the the autofocus set . I ll post the autofocus version in a few minutes when I get back to the study and off this iPad ( watching Bakeoff recorded atm) 

 Thanks  for the comments  Chris ...

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Important stuff first - don't you bloody dare mention who's won Bake Off, our Tivo box is on series record.

Lesser stuff....... I like the image and fully agree with HL, but two things bug me --- 1 - the lines (telephone?) at top left need to be removed and 2 - I think the image needs to be rotated ever so slightly clockwise.

Other than that I feel it's good - no, better than good it's bazzin'.

Now, I'm seriously warning you Mrs Klik, if you spill the beans re Bake Off, I'll get Phil to come round to your gaff and show you his entire collection of petrol pump pictures. And be warned that there were 6,876 of 'em at the last count. You won't be rid of him for a fortnight! :( 


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Well  without mentioning anythng about that programme ...( as if I would say owt to spoil things for anyone )   i have to say I am gutted about the news ...

anyway ... here is  the other version of this  taken at the same time ...slightly different starting point  but focus was on the building in the distance.   I thought I had gone to autofocus  but maybe I  focussed  manually ..Anyway  the  foreground was now out of focus .. I  have left in the telephone  lines ... just  for balance  in this one as the pole is included  and they do converge on the   house  subject ...   I could have removed them in the  first version  but they didn't  distract me so I didn't bother  ... sorry M'lud 

 I dont usually  focus  as much on a foreground when  doing any sort of landscape   to the extent i have on the first  pic  so  that was  my experiment  to see if  the out of focus background would still contribute to the  overall  picture  with both foerground and background being  proportionately almost the same size . I like it ...but not sure how much ...notwithstanding the noise and the wires and the tilt ;) As I said ...here is the other one ...focus is on the house  leaving the leaves much more blurred in the foreground ., Your comments are always appreciated   ...sometimes one looks at an image for so long one cant see the wood for the trees .!  I've cooled the colours down in this one too.:ermm:

o  the fence part 2s.jpg


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I like the first one clicker 

Its the details that count and I like the way the lit cloud complements the lit building  it sweeps your eyes top left round and down 

I may watch B off when they get rid of the two cluts and old blue eyes then I may just record it and watch it when I am out 

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 I was using the lumix Fz1000 Bill and the lens was wide open on that...check the EXIF... It's a decent bridge  and for the most part it's what I use  nowadays  as its lighter and means I always have a camera with me .. The Sony alpha has been out only a couple of times in the past eighteen months  but it seemed limiting without carting other lenses about with me . Thanks for the feedback both of you ... Always good to hear other opinions ... Keeps us on our toes :lol:

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I like it and it works for me Polly but agree about a slight rotation as to dof looks fine to me but it is a fact of life that the smaller the sensor the more dof for a given aperture. By the way did you know the E-M10 and two kit lenses weigh no more than the FZ1000.:sofa:

I disagree with Chris about it being noisy. This is a 1024px web image but with my set up for my eyesight this is what I see on my 27 inch high res monitor when I view the full size image and I'm not seeing any signicant noise(screen Capture) be sure to click on full size..I will delete it later.:12_slight_smile:



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Crikey like you with my Astro images , I am lost with this type of imaging , I guess its something I will have to watch and learn, my son in law is a professional photographer, and produces images similar to this , I aways say , yea but its out of focus , he says its hard actually getting it right ,, so ok enlighten me .

Oh who won Polly ehehehhe email me , ok so you can't I guess Mums the word , but being a pretty good Chef as well I think I know who won .:lol:

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8 hours ago, OlympusPaul said:

I disagree with Chris about it being noisy. This is a 1024px web image but with my set up for my eyesight this is what I see on my 27 inch high res monitor when I view the full size image and I'm not seeing any signicant noise(screen Capture) be sure to click on full size..I will delete it later.:12_slight_smile:



It's most evident in the bush on the far right. But I can't see it so well on your picture Paul, it may be the way you've set up your display?

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14 hours ago, ChrisLumix said:

It's most evident in the bush on the far right. But I can't see it so well on your picture Paul, it may be the way you've set up your display?

Perhaps it is the diffence beteen viwing a tiny 1024 pixel image on a OLED 2560 resolution monitor which can upscale and view larger with out the image breaking up rather than a low res 1080/1920 standard monitor.

Also I've seen some noisy high Iso images from the FZ1000 but noisy at ISO 200 what this image was took at I'd be very dissapointed in that camera and I' sure Polly knows howto deal with noise. we will have to agree to disagree Chris.:12_slight_smile:

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