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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



Black Pearl

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Finally the rain has stopped and I got an hour or so to go out with the Fuji.

Dropped the bairn at school then walked down into the village, through the park and along the coast. Had a chance to try the 18-55mm, the 55-200mm and the Samyang 12mm.
Super happy with the way the camera handles, exposes and generally operates while the lenses all perform magnificently. 

Mixture of jpeg and raw files processed and outputted entirely in LR CC








Whitburn-10.thumb.jpg.26d2fb9048b71e6c2b  Whitburn-11.thumb.jpg.101746ca4094a3bd6f


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Some very pleasing results, there. All looking good.

I'm not really into lenses and stuff these days ( I find my Sony RX10 does 90% of what I want and does it pretty well, too), but I must admit to a tiny tinge of envy re the Samyang 12mm. Now that sounds like more fun than a night in with Herr Lumix!


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Looks like you have every eventuality covered there with that array of lenses  BP ... Can it be operated remotely with an app if you wanted  to ?

Lovely images ...super brickwork on chimneys and gables on that house ... yours?

Particularly love the cow parsley seed heads and the spiders web on the lamp ! Looks like a very good buy ..that camera ..

No wonder you're smiling ..... you are aren't you ...   :D  :santa:


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1 hour ago, Clicker said:

Looks like you have every eventuality covered there with that array of lenses  BP ... Can it be operated remotely with an app if you wanted  to ?

Lovely images ...super brickwork on chimneys and gables on that house ... yours?

Particularly love the cow parsley seed heads and the spiders web on the lamp ! Looks like a very good buy ..that camera ..

No wonder you're smiling ..... you are aren't you ...   :D  :santa:


It has full operability from the app including live view with tap-to-focus. Bit glitchy connecting in the house as the iPhone want to stay connected to our main Wi-Fi but out and about it locks in quickly.

The house dates back to 1842. The local series say it was build by a brick merchant as a demonstration of his wares and at one time a cricketer lived there hence the stumps and other cricket 'stuff' on the roof - wish it was mine its magnificent, right by the church and yards away from the park.

The camera is everything I hoped for. The whole kit fits in my Billingham bag, weighs WAY less than the Nikon did and the sensor output is spectacular. Need a little more practice to get to grips with the best way of maximising DR and getting the most from the files but so far I couldn't be happier. 

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22 hours ago, Korky said:

Some very pleasing results, there. All looking good.

I'm not really into lenses and stuff these days ( I find my Sony RX10 does 90% of what I want and does it pretty well, too), but I must admit to a tiny tinge of envy re the Samyang 12mm. Now that sounds like more fun than a night in with Herr Lumix!


Damn right. Unless you like scoffing chocolate while listening to Genesis and watching highlights of Southampton 1 Liverpool 6 in the League Cup quarter final. :thumbup:

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At last ...someone on the forum, besides Judy and me, who follows a team,.... or any sport, ( aside from Leon and his cars of course) just making a mental note to know who I can cheer or commiserate with in the future.

So before I go Off Topic any more ....Keep em coming BP. . super pics !

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