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GOING TO AMERICA?......see this.

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That said, the only place I've been asked about taking photographs was at Helmshore Textile Museum, where I had to fill in a form with all my details and basically saying that they wouldn't be used for commercial purposes.

Many places, such as English Heritage, National Trust, WWT restrict photography to non commercial use, I imagine if half a dozen toggers turned up, setting up lights, tripods and 4 or 5 models you'd get asked what was going on..

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Birmingham seem to be ok with people using camera's, except for the one time that I got stopped in the Maul. 

Did you ever get a proper explanation? 


Hi, Tina,


No.....I wrote, then sent emails to head office, but no response whatsoever, just the Jobsworth minions carrying out orders...........all because on that day, I had a sticky out kens on my M4/3 rds camera.

Coventry City Centre was featured on a TV program not long afterwards, it explained that it has one if the most sophisticated CCTV systems in the UK, Hi definition cameras ensure that each operator could read a bus ticket held by someone a hundred yards from the lens,  incredible kit, but, in my opinion, misused.

Me, a then 76 year old enjoying a City day out with my good lady, as we had done for years before  and years before that with parents, as a child........most other more recent times, I had my little LX5 around my neck, doing my Street Photography stuff all over the City including in the Arcades, Precints and the Retal Market, no problems whatsoever.

Just because I was trying out a City Centre shop bought GF1 with a sticky out kit lens, I was approached by two heavies, in stab proof vests, carrying radios and pockets stuffed with other equipment.

My challenge and protest was so LOUD and long, my missus scarpered  ;-) ............but it was too late, they had ruined a perfectly innocent day out for a couple of pensioners. What was galling, is  that folks were using phone cameras all around, and I was carrying my NOKIA 1020 with its 42 mp camera......I would have been left alone if using that.....CRAZY!

I used to love our regular trips to Coventry, the city bustle, the market, the Cathedral, the Motor Museum, the Watch Museum, the Canall Basin.......lunch in Cathedral Lanes.....all completely ruined by ...THE MANAGEMENT! 

And to think my mum's family were watch face painters in Spon End during the 19 th Century, I have  relatives who were evacuated with us in Kenilworth after being bombed out during the November 1940 Blitz.

You can probably tell.....I am still Spitting Feathers!.......better stop before I blow a gasket ;-)


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I know what you mean. When it happened to me in the Mall. I was arguing the toss with the security guards, and John asked them if they thought my camera was a gun, but to no avail.

I was so stubborn that as soon as they walked on, I got my shot of the Christmas lights that I had wanted.

I had taken quite a few in the Pallasades and a couple of the railway police who waited for me to get a shot, and not a word said until we reached the Mall.

Like you, I saw many people using phone camers and not a word said to them.

It does put a damper on a day out, doesn't it?

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I've just got back from the USA, and only had one problem during the whole 7 weeks. I was taking a photo from a suburban train (not in the train)  and a woman on the train approached, very loudly threatening to get her brother (a big cop somewhere she said) and suing me if I took her photo on the train. (a little paranoid me thinks....)

I have quite a big camera/ lens and thought I'd have much more trouble than I did. I think it does help to have some business cards and my card states I am a hobby photographer in a local camera club. 

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