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Everything posted by Paul80

  1. Paul80

    Image quality

    Hi I sometimes suspect that theses days we actually accept a lower quality of image from our modern digital cameras. (Tin Hat On) and heading for the door In the 70's & 80's the test of a lens and film was how sharp the image was when printed to 20x16 inches, in the digital age the benchmark seems to have changed to A4. I know I have negatives shot in the 80's that are much sharper than images I produced on highend Canon Cameras with L series lenses. It used to be accepted that images produced by digital cameras always needed some form of sharpening because of the way the Image was produced and processed. Not sure if that's still true though but suspect it is, not that anyone will admit to it though Paul
  2. Hi i tried one of their small models made for the m4/3 system and it was total rubbish, TTL control was virtually none existent, manual control worked well though, but Auto was useless. Guns made for canon & Nikon might work well but their Panasonic/Olympus control was way out. It was their 300 model I tried. As seen here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UK-Meike-MK-300-iTTL-Speedlite-Flash-Light-For-Panasonic-LX5-LX7-GF1-GF2-GH3-GX1-/261365936407 Also the Micro USB socket did nothing either Paul
  3. Thanks for all the input on this I was originally going to go with AdobeRGB all through until I profiled my Monitors, one a Samsung and the other an Acer and both monitors can only match sRGB so I figured its no point shooting in AdobeRGB if I cannot see all the colours so dont know what is missing before it gets sent to the printer. So now shooting is sRGB and seeing on the monitor what I am seeing coming out of the printer. Should I at some point in the future get a monitor that can display more than sRGB I will still have the RAW files to re process the images should I need to, cant see myself spending that sort of money on a monitor though at my age and with my eyesight I am lucky I can see anything. Paul
  4. Except the 6 & 7's should have been upgrades to the 5 not something similar to the 60 & 70's but far more expensive, whats the big difference between them, and more than happy to accept I am wrong if there is something significant, as I have not owned a canon since the 50 I might be well behind in whats been going on. Paul
  5. Yep, even one of the big review sites got it all wrong and called the new canon a GX7 There are just so many different models out now that just trying to keep up with one maker is getting quite confusing now. just look at canon, their 450 would be an amateurs camera, the 70 would be a Serious amateurs Camera the 5 would be a full frame semi pro camera and the 1 a full frame pro camera so where do the 5 & 6's fit in and the 1200. Nikon are the same, it used to be easy to pick one that was right for your level and use just by the number but not anymore. Too many new models with virtually no improvement over the model it replaced is the problem, well one of them a desperation to sell you a new camera every year and some peoples willingness to sell everything just to have the latest offering is another. Paul
  6. As is not updating until the new software has been out for a few weeks and some of the early bugs have been ironed out. does make me chuckle though when Apple users gloat over how stable their OS is Compared to Windows but every time they do a iOS update there is even more complaints than when Windows gets an update
  7. I never knew I had so many Nigerian relatives until I opened my first email account many years ago.
  8. Good old e.mail scams I loose track of the number of these and other types i get every week. If you are fedup with getting all those help be get £millions out of my country type scam and want a good laugh pop over to www.419eater.com and have a look at the letters archive, some of them are a hoot. Paul
  9. Typical of the modern Police Force, using a hammer to crack an egg or harassing car drivers but doing nothing to prevent real crime. In the photograph, what the betting the bride is the girl an the far left Paul
  10. If it was the lens, wouldn't the spots show up on the first camera as well? Sounds very odd.
  11. Thanks for all the replies to this. What I have decided after reading as much as I could before my old brain started to suffer a meltdown is Set both my Cameras to AdobeRGB to capture as much as possible and assign AdobeRGB to the output of my RAW files, I always output those as TIFF Files, and set Photoshop to AdobeRGB. My Monitor is now Calibrated using Spyder Hardware and so it the Printer. So what I see on the screen matches the prints or as close as the two different technologies can match. All seems to be working well at the moment, although the Printer is now quite old so will probably soon die as have one Hard drive and Two Computers in the last couple of months, they are all about the same age, so I am expecting something else to give up soon. Still it will give me an excuse to get an A3 printer to replace it Which reminds me I must make more backups of my data and photos as the auto backup drives are just as old ;( Paul
  12. Hi all A quick colour space question, hopefully All my equipment, Camera, Scanner, Printer and Editing Software all support both sRGB and AdobeRGB so which is the best one to use on a home printing setup Do I go sRGB or AdobeRGB on everything. Thanks Paul
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