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Everything posted by fuzzyedges

  1. This may help in deciding which rusky lens is appropriate ignore the pricing as it is an american site but clicking on an image gives you reams of interesting statistics and facts http://top35mm.com/russian-lenses
  2. fuzzyedges


    Hi there Another one from Yorkshire whoopie "Whats the worst that can happen" well you can pick all our brains and then point and shoot could well lead to better pics then onwards towards bankrupcy
  3. In macro and shooting jittery livestock the further you can get from them the better so as not to spook them, therfore a lens hood isnt a good idea as your lens is now 2" nearer or with extension tubes, which closes down the focus distance, the nearer you can get to them to get them in focus a lens hood isnt a good idea as it now swamps the subject Just an aside Whilst some critters will be attracted by there own image in the lens and seem to pose others will react to your big pale hand twisting the lens to focus. Rocking back and forth on your heels, with your lens set to a desirable focus (pre sorted), to get that sharp focus point is often a better option
  4. Hi Karl welcome to the boards
  5. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.9597326,-1.0878214,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sei2AQ9RfadjXb9QYGA4a2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 Whoops eye site not so good and the r is soooo close to the s Fat fingers strike again
  6. Chrissy when you come out of the station with your back to the station go left Go straight over the traffic lights towards the city wall Go under the wall and turn left Walk along the wall not the footpath and before you go down to Lendal bridge there is a set of steps down to the river go down these The Pesky Peacock is directly in front of you at the bottom of the steps across the road and up some stairs 4 minutes at the most if you dawdle
  7. If you have a bus pass take it with you It makes the journey in around 80p and the return free
  8. Google says 2hr 25 min no traffic but toll (40p if I remember correctly) on route
  9. Hi TC2 welcome to the assylum
  10. I will try and do this a bit clearer 85mm for portrait then you want to do street and the 85 is too long and your kit is not sharp enough so you buy a 50mm prime but you then realise a 27 would be better or maybe an 18 or a fish eye and so on and on goes the craving
  11. I think its the way it goes You buy a camera with a kit lens then you decide to take people so you buy a an 85 prime then thats too long so you buy a 50mm prime then you fancy landscape so you buy a wide angle then macro and on and on it goes before long you have several bodies several lens several flash guns a couple of tripods etc etc A pile of dust appears and you sell the lot and buy something lighter, vowing never to get carried away again BUT there is just that lens that you really cant do without and the cycle starts again I am on my 3rd cycle is this normal ??
  12. I assume we are talking non macro here i.e using it as a normal lens The 60 in 35mm size would be an 86mm nice for portrait where as the 100 would be a 160 which is a bit of a handful for a general lens but for macro 100mm every time For macro I find the further from the subject the better, there is less chance of shadow from the lens which is not uncommon and annoying
  13. Personally if finances permit I would go for the 100 mm canon this gives you a greater distance between you and the subject especially if you use extension tubes as well The 60mm is a sharp lens as is the 100mm
  14. Hi There welcome aboard there are a few harmless loons on here but you will soon spot them If you keep moving north you will soon get to yorkshire at least you are going in the right direction
  15. Fell asleep This is from his write up World traveled, award winning Sony Artisan of Imagery Note the word IMAGERY not photography imagery this include anything you see however it was created, straight out of the camera, straight out of the computer or straight off the end of an artists brush
  16. I have since done away with the wireless trigger and just use the pc socket for the trigger but you can see the idea
  17. I use flash 99% of the time I found ring flash tended to give me (my taste) a flattish image even if half was dimmed I ended up with a cheap old flash (run off the pc socket, check the pc sockets trigger voltage before going down this route, not hot shoe as hot shoes today wont take the trigger voltage of old flashes ) a flash gun bracket and a ball joint between gun and bracket so I could get the gun offset but right over the subject It ends up with the flash being Horizontal and parrallelish to the lens I also use a cheap diffuser from amazon The whole issue is a cheap way For me it works
  18. I will experiment first before splashing out I can see your point and up front could cause irreparable damage to the reputation with the crouched dance after crushing
  19. Hi Mick Sounds like you have gone the route of so many of us All guns blazing a gap then away again then a large gap and now you are rearing to go again I dont know much about Pentax but if you are thinking of macro make sure you can follow that route with what you decide to buy not all are geared up for that
  20. I am now moving towards keeping the canon for macro mainly but are considering the X-t10 purely on a financial basis although the X-t1 has some advantages Dug deeper and T Dimension is a grey site and although there is a years warranty on the cameras if it is defective due to their diagnosis that it is user error you will be liable for the cost of repair and the shipping to Hong Kong and back What worried me most was the 2 web sites I found of reviews apart from the fact that some posts were the same site to site there was very few and I mean very few that had had problems most were praising T Dimension. Must be a fantastic seller OR Hi Billie yes having a heavy 2ft long lens hanging from a belt dosnt sound too good I would expect the belt to start twisting and the lens to be clanking against your knee But a light camera now that might be a different
  21. As my free days have vanished for the fore see able future I am loathed to drag my 50d etc and camera bag around with me on Mrs D's shopping adventures I have been looking for a long time at the Fuji X-t1 but being from Yorkshire I start to get twitchy and shaking about the price I was waiting to see if the X-t2 would appear so that the prices of the X-t1 would drop, but that looks a long time off yet Now there is a web site that is considerably cheaper than most T Dimension all I can find is glowing reports on the web (which dosnt calm my jitters) Has anyone had dealings with them ? Secondly has anyone tried / owns a capture clip ? This is a device that fits a belt / strap up to 3" broad and utilities the tripod screw to attach the belts mate so they clip together and your camera hangs from your belt Sounds a bit dodgy but it looks good saves a bag or a strap around the neck Expensive but it could be good American site but Amazon sell them over here https://www.peakdesign.com/product/clips/capture/
  22. Hi Jack Welcome Not birde myself but your pecker looks a good to me
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