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Everything posted by fuzzyedges

  1. If you are looking for a wide to mid zoom remember the cropped sensor factor (i.e times all lens by 1.6 ) Amazon have an 18-55 for £103 + postage although that looks wide it equates to 29 - 88 which dosnt now sound that wide Its realy time to decide what you like the most to photograph and then think of the lens that suits, you can include primes as well as zooms
  2. mobile phones / I pads all taking there toll on the traditional camera
  3. fuzzyedges

    Hi All

    Hi Ian Someone has to live on the wrong side of the pennines Look forward to seeing your images
  4. As mobile phones wreck the compact market, which in turn will impact on the higher end cameras, anything that keeps the price stable will suit me
  5. I liked the old PB But I find the new version uploads better so I have stuck with it I only upload 1meg images dont like the idea of my big images in the hands of others
  6. The smiling black cat in the coal celler gets closer and more to the point cheaper
  7. I would not recomend using an old type flash direct into your hotshoe If you go the old flash route as you have no pc sync socket you should use something like a wireless trigger to isolate your flash from the camera NF is right the modern flashes have various contacts to interact with the camera (canon for canon, nikon for nikon independants to suit what you have ) where as the old ones dont. They will still fit the hot shoe and fire off the centre pin but can damage your camera used in this fashion
  8. On the positive side it gave you time to dribble over the manual and fondle and pet your new toy Happy clicking
  9. If you should think about an older flash (I just bought a starblitz for 50p off the car boot. Variable angle head with twist plus selectable fill in flash) as you dont have a pc sync port you could use a wireless trigger from your hot shoe and an external camera flash bracket (A flash away from the line of the lens is better anyway) with the receiver and flash mounted there (no worry about voltages damaging your camera ) Some older flashes like the one above were classed as thyristor type (a small 1/4" lens on the front somewhere ) which meant they measured the light retuning from the subject and altering the flash output to suit, an old but not unreliable method, provided your flash was pointing at the subject They of course had manual as well Wireless triggers are about £15 from amazon (one transmitter two recievers, you only need one but they are made in china so a spare is recommended ) Camera flash bracket ? I have bought 2 in three weeks for a total of £1.50p car boot again At the end of the day a flash is only a shot of light in the dark and they have been around forever never dismiss the past, quite a lot of people are finding that out with lens's, some of the great lens of yesterday are proving to be very good on todays cameras, once you can get them to fit, might not have all the whistles and bells but its the image that counts
  10. Read your manual (or download one ) Canon state for mine using a pc cord 250v should not be exceeded but the hot shoe is a different matter and no voltage is given There is a lot of rubbish on the web about voltages above 5v damaging dslrs The advantage of a modern one is the ttl function but many old ones are very good here is a site with the measured voltages of a lot of flashes http://dpanswers.com/roztr/volt_finder.php When you get into £300 plus I would need serious use of one to fork out that many sovs I dont know about the chinese ones
  11. Saw Joanne Lumley this morning on about this What a woman that is, watched her from the avengers days as purdy and in ad fab as well as fighting for the ghurkers now she is passionate about the wildlife If anyone can get the thicko's in power off their backsides and realise we are in a pritty poor shape with our wild life, this lady will
  12. fuzzyedges


    must admit I havnt kept my eyes on the current prices but they were dearer than now 3mnth ago must be the upgraded 700d thats dropping prices but a quick look and they seem all over at the moment
  13. fuzzyedges


    Without a lens colin nearly double if you stick something decent in the hole
  14. fuzzyedges


    Without people who buy, shall we say beyond there abilites, there woudnt be such good second hand bargains
  15. Cheers Phil / Geoff Found it and stuck it in the humax
  16. Quite brilliant and a little sad What would posses you to take images and then pay a fortune to store them without looking at many of them, only to have them sold because you didnt keep up with the storage payments How much was she paid as a nanny? A rollex has never been cheap nor was a roll of film a day, when did she get time to develop 84 negs a week Some of what she shot were seriously good
  17. Welcome Ive been fluxed for some time now and probably getting more fluxed by the minute
  18. What BP said But an easier way is to use the direct instead of the img codes in photo bucket and click on the tree in the tool bar on here and paste it in there Phil did you get my links for the old cameras or have I done it wrong AGAIN (I gave you the above method should I have used something else)
  19. and a bucket full of experiance and talent well deserved Missed this this week, must be due to just reading new content 100 lines "must pay attention"
  20. Look on here for manual http://www.browniecamera.nl/brownie_user_manuals.htm Its free I cant decide what the shutter is in your halina If it still works is there any chance you can have a look The aperture cant be altered on the lens can it? Its hard to tell from all the photos of it on the web Manual for Halina here but £3 for 1 page seems a little expensive http://www.oldtimercameras.com/manuals/Halina-Easy-Matic-camera-manual-4416.asp
  21. Further reading suggests it has a light sensitive transister possably a bc107 used for auto exposure I would (and this is a guess) think it adjusts shutter speed as the asa for the film is set, the aperture would be ackward to alter and probably costly for a relativly cheap camera but an electronic timer for shutter speed would be easy for the electronics of 1971 in Hong Kong. Hence the fancy term computer more reading Here is thanks to all those folk out there that seem to know The front shutter is probably released by small electro magnets and the trannsister cct works out the time from the available light before releasing the back shutter
  22. hi Colin Nice to see old cameras from the budget range of yesteryear Unfortunatly information on these cameras is usualy scarce unlike Leica's or Rollies but they are probably the most important in the history of Photography The Brownie Flash 111 is another version of the six -20 similar (if not the same mechanically to the model F above ) not exactly rare but they were made in 1958 the last brownie box was the Flash model 11 in Australia 1962 The rare box brownie was the one with Micky Mouse on the facia The most desirable of the rest was the beau which was art deco in design on the facia You can still download the manuals for most Brownies Information is scarce on the Gevaret 144 classed as a toy camera from 1965 but that seems unfair Information is also scarce on the Halina it is from 1971 Very little is said about the electronic eye (I will search more later) but it would seem to be an automatic exposure control but thats very subjective controlling the shutter speed.It could be something very much simpler One source said it controlled the focus by the iso The only problem there is iso wasnt recognised in 1971 all films were ASA and if you constantly altered the asa on a film you would have one grand time developing the film and this is not to mention the link between asa and focus ??? Does it still work I think it takes 2x AAA batteries, if you are curious it might be worth sticking 2 in and trying to figure out what it does I dont collect cameras they seem to follow me home
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