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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by skullfunkerry

  1. Thanks Paul. They're nowhere near the best quality, but hopefully they'll be good enough!
  2. Working in Scarborough last week, and my hotel was right on the north bay so I thought I'd try a sunrise. I got up early to find endless clouds, rain and greyness, but then it really was third time lucky... the whole set is at https://www.flickr.com/photos/kmlabs/albums/72157720066846055 but here are some if you don't want to click
  3. I was working in Scarborough last week, and unusually I managed to get out and about with my camera for a while. I wasn't really expecting much (although I captured a gorgeous sunrise), but I was pleased with these two. Both desaturated in Snapseed, but other than that they're straight out of the camera. 15 second exposures, with my FZ2000.
  4. As Fogey said, that's an absolutely stunning set of photos! I'm genuinely amazed, I don't really know what else to say. I have a spider that looks a bit like that living above my patio doors... I don't think she's as hairy as that, and her markings look different. I've sent a couple of pictures to the Natural History Museum to see if they can make a proper identification for me; my shots are nowhere near as detailed as yours though.
  5. Morning everyone! I hope we're all well. Quick simple question: is anyone using an iPhone camera app other than the standard Apple one? Fire your recommendations at me please! Just so this conversation isn't a complete waste of everyone's time, here's a toad in my garden (shot on my iPhone, and you can see I just missed the focus)
  6. Welcome! It’s good here, definitely one of the friendliest (if not THE friendliest) forums I’ve ever been on…
  7. Ah, thank you! My mum thought it was a Southern Hawker when I sent her a photo, and I looked at a couple of sites and wondered if it was a Golden Ringed...
  8. This guy was in the garden at the weekend. He stayed for hours, I'm not sure if he was at the end of his life or what. I checked the next day and he was gone, so hopefully he's still about. Shots were taken with my FZ2000 (I'm starting to think I need one of those Raynox things that I keep reading about!), and I tweaked them in Snapseed.
  9. Floodlights around the buildings in both cases. I think these were both 30 second exposures. The windmill is SOOC but the church is from a tweaked RAW file. EDIT: realised as I posted that the trees in the foreground of the church are slightly lit from streetlights behind me
  10. I took a couple more shots on Friday night that I'm really pleased with
  11. I've just remembered too that I used the "Dynamic Monochrome" setting, which is generally darker & higher contrast. I think I might have been better served using standard mono in this case
  12. Thanks @CMunzel Here are a couple of colour shots: I desaturated the non-flash one slightly as there was a very blue tint to the sky, but the flash one is SOOC. Feel free to have a play!
  13. I think this is actually a better photo of the angel...
  14. I’ve never shot in b&w before, but I was pretty pleased with how these came out. The shed was actually shot in mono; I desaturated the other two in post
  15. I still haven't been out as much as I'd like to: work has been really busy so getting out to do any sunset shooting has been tricky, and although I've intended to get to East Beach for a sunrise I just can't get myself out of bed! I found a couple of limitations with the FZ82; minimum shutter speed is only 4 seconds and I've been wanting to try some long exposure stuff... also I really hate using buttons for manual focus! Based mainly on @JohnP's amazing photos and high praise, I've treated myself to an FZ2000 from eBay. Looking forward to receiving it, and hoping to get out and use it... I'm definitely going to try and be more active *this* year, ha!
  16. Interesting stuff, I've subscribed! Just a note: don't know if it was deliberate or not, but rather than taking me to your channel, the link in your original post is to a point halfway through one of your videos...
  17. I spend quite a bit of time on a guitar forum and they started a photo competition a while back, running on a month-by-month basis. We've had a couple of lockdown-related ones, it's been quite interesting
  18. Ha! Yes, it's a long name - I'm happy for you to call me Kerry though, that's my real name (Skullfunk was a band I used to be in, and the name has kind of stuck, at least online)
  19. I’ve not been on here much lately, although I’ve been taking photos more regularly recently I think. Just read through the whole thread: makes you realise how lucky you are when you read other people’s stories doesn’t it? Love and hugs to all of you going through stuff. My lockdown has been reasonably uneventful: I struggled a bit with depression & anxiety to begin with, but I seem to have come through the worst of that. Financial pressures meant that I had to sell a couple of guitars and my X-T20; I replaced two mid-priced guitars with one cheap one and I have to say I’m very happy with it, so that’s a bonus! The camera and lenses got replaced with a Panasonic bridge camera which although I was a little underwhelmed at first, I’ve come to really like. I work from home anyway, so that hasn’t been a huge change for me. My wife has taken care of most of the home schooling of my stepdaughter, so it’s been a lot less of an upheaval for me than it has for a lot of people. We’ve started doing some site visits again now, so I’ve had a week working in London (I drove in, because I don’t fancy public transport much at the moment) and a week in Edinburgh. I’m off to Cheltenham in a couple of weeks, so I’m going to take my camera and see if I can get any nice shots in the evenings while I’m away.
  20. Well it’s September and I guess technically I have been more active this year, but still haven’t posted as much as I’d originally intended. I had to downgrade my camera gear, as I needed to pay some bills... the X-T20 and associated lenses all went, and I replaced it with a Panasonic FZ82. I was pretty disappointed with it at first to be honest, but since then I’ve got more used to it and I have to say I’m really impressed with it. The zoom in particular is amazing - I’ve taken so many photos of the moon, it’s crazy!
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