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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Everything posted by Craftysnapper

  1. Looks like a handy accessory ,nice pics as well BP,
  2. well deserved Fuji the lighting and processing are wonderfull as is the subject
  3. YEP,,,been there, talking about just digital I started of with Canon then the Olympus E-system then the Olympus micro four thirds system. Then I got a itch and wondered if I was missing something by not having a dslr again so I invested in a Nikon and four lenses. luckily this time I kept my Olympus just in case and the Nikon stuff has now gone. I down sized my Oly kit to one body and five lenses, I even sold the dedicated 60mm macro lens, unless you are really into macro they do tend to sit gathering dust and nothing comes close to my 75mm f1.8 for portraits. Even before I sold the macro lens for the oddclose up shots I took I found myself just screwing a Sigma double element close up filter on my 40-150mm as yo get a great working distance between the lens and subject.
  4. Well done and well deserved BP.
  5. Great shot well done Mitch.
  6. Very nice but I would have left the drop shadow of it Barbara.
  7. Thanks JH, just had a new computer with a inrtel 5 core processer and 8 Gig of ram, it just that the AS program is very processer hungry. It's alright for rescuing family snaps for viewing especially those of sentimental value but not up to my standard so most of those type of shots will still go in the trash bin unless the have sentimental value then I run AS on them..
  8. Thought I would add the finished image after some more processing.It's not a image I would showcase as I think it was to bad a case for anti shake to deal with.
  9. Upgraded from Elements 11 to Elements 14 so thought I'd try out the new anti shake feature. Just used auto setting very processor hungry took about 3 min to render this image that had bad camera shake no other adjustments made.
  10. Well deserved congratulations.
  11. Thank you for choosing my image Chris, it must have been a hard choice given the great pics that were available to you.and thank you to everyone for the kind comments.
  12. Tina it's strange how peoples experience differ mine has been fairly good with Virgin, we have three computers and three TV's in the house and all three can be streaming a movie with no problems or downloading large amounts of data. I only once had a problem with the internet signal dropping and that was because the router was a old model and could not cope with the new speeds. Virgin never automaticly updates/replaces your router (shame on them) but a phone call and a new latest model router by post the next day sorted the problem.
  13. Mmm while a great believer in rules are meant to be broken once you get past his arty explanations the fact remains that most of those images are following the rule of thirds to some degree. And to a greater degree he is copying the golden ratio upon which the rule of thirds derives from. http://www.goldennumber.net/art-composition-design/
  14. The purple fringing has been made more obvious by incresing the saturation also you have a white halo around the fringing this is caused by sharpening and/or increasing contrast. All lenses will show some fringing to one extent or the other if a fine tracery of leaves and branches are shot against a bright/white sky.
  15. Looks fine on my calibrated 27 inch monitor for the type of lighting and exposure. Low warm bright winter sun has given a orange tinge to the pink flamingos, the lightness of the birds in conjunction with the bright light has caused a little underexposure of th the water which would increase saturation. I'ts a very nice warm image.
  16. Well done RW, great use of dof.
  17. Congrats and well deserved Clicker.
  18. Chris strangley enough you have hit on a pet subject orf mine. Humans do not see colours correctly,why, because we have a utomatic wb in our brain,our brain filters out colour casts. When there is a warm light from a sunset we do not see those very warm orange hues in a white shirt but a white shirt,thats the auto wb working just as ity does in the cameras we have built to mimic what we wrongly see. And then you have to ask yourself do we all have the same auto WB in our heads?
  19. had the e-mail for this from WEX this morning before coming here and it went straight in the trash bin. Like BP said for a hobbyist (like me) it's overkill, plus these days I don't like anything round my neck that feels like a house brick.
  20. Thank you Colin for picking my image and to everyone for the wonderful comments .Judy it was took at Lyn Clydogg Cambrian mountains Mid Wales
  21. Wishing yo all at TIPF a Merry Xmas.
  22. BP I could not tell you how many shots I take a year only the keepers, the rest get deleted there and then and I cull pretty hard. Keepers 2013- 1005 2014-1570 2015-1090 so far
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