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xmas list


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lmao lee...................your more bah humbug than me!

Annie - I can't stand Xmas. The adverts are driving me mad, I hate the shops all playing Xmas songs (however I do have a liking for Slade's "It's Christmas" and Kirsty McColl & the Pogues "Tale of New York".

Last year Jean really cringed when we were shopping and someone piped up with "Have a Merry Christmas" and I replied "Please don't tell me what to do, you're not my real Mum" and wandered off.

I know, I'm a grumpy, depressive old Grinch.

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fairy tale of new york, is my fav xmas song lee, i can listen to that anytime of the year.

we popped into a friend yesterday for a coffee......i nearly died when we walked in and saw she has .............A CHRISTMAS TREE UP...........30th novemeber, good god!

i hate turkey, who would want to eat such an ugly looking thing,

and i hate bubble bath!

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ANNIE and LEE.........You really are a couple of Grinches......( so surprised at you Annie) .................

Being my age......( violins here please) .......is that I remember the wartime Christmases, they were EXACTLY like Lee said he would love........

We had no Dad ( for 6 years) so no real Father Christmas, to buy or stuff a stocking for us......we had a holly branch Christmas Tree with toffee and chocolate papers for its decorations......home made paper chains stuck together with flour paste........very few gifts, those we did get were poorly made, home made or made by German POWS.......definitely no turkey.....perhaps a scrawny cockerel from Gran's chicken hut.......thin watery mince pies.......no Christmas Pud unless it was a home- made affair consisting mainly of soaked bread......NO Central heating......Chilblains.....outside loo......unheated bathroom and bedrooms.....cold Lino floors.......if you look at weather records for the 1940s we had some of the coldest winters ever.....1947 was an all time record, with very deep snow and below zero temperatures for three months from January to March...it ended with severe gales and flooding.......as a nine year old my 6 year old brother and I had to treck two miles to the local Gas Works for one hundredweight of coke ( no coal available) ....we did this weekly as did all our young mates.......Hardly any sweets or chocolate....NO bananas or oranges.....Mam, slaving away for four kids doing her best to make Christmas as good as she could for us..... .I can't go on.......I will depress myself....because it is all so bloody TRUE.

The MORAL of this?..........Be thankful because you never know what is around the corner ...... Times could still get tougher for you all.

Have a GREAT Christmas and ENJOY it.....even you Lee and Annie ;-)


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I can honestly say that I love Christmas! I don't like the fact that the commercial side starts in September (there are 12 days of Xmas and the first is Decemeber 25th!) but I get myself well and truly wrapped up in the spirit.

I listen to Xmas Carols, watch Scrooge, Santa the Movie, A Wonderful Life etc.

One final point: Fairytale of New York is the worst Christmas song of all time, the radio is turned off whenever it is played! :p

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Fuji - My Xmas spirit has got less and less each year. This year it has totally gone the way of the Dodo.

Jean & I've got one present each for a very small number of people, none for each other, and Xmas Day will involve Jean working a late shift and I'll be either doing the housework, unless I've done it all before then, or doing some studying.

I won't have the TV on as I know I'll throw something heavy at it if they show one of the following:

Miracle on 34th Street.

The Great Escape

The Grinch (that is a biography I did NOT authorise!)

Frosty the Snowman.

A Christmas Carol etc, etc.

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I was really looking forward to xmas but with recent events and now Arnie having had cruciate ligament replacement and being laid up for three months its going to be a difficult christmas for so many reasons. I will try to get into it once I break up from work

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Last year Jean really cringed when we were shopping and someone piped up with "Have a Merry Christmas" and I replied "Please don't tell me what to do, you're not my real Mum" and wandered off. I know, I'm a grumpy, depressive old Grinch.

you and Richard would make a perfect couple lol

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you and Richard would make a perfect couple lol

just because when some group were campaigning to get meat for food banned and they said to me "do you like animals?" I said yes, the nice lady said "then why eat them?"and I replied because the thing I like most about animals is the taste. theres no need to be mean about me

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  • 4 weeks later...

Annie you might find something more affordable on EBAY:-


"I'm hoping for a 60d"

I was hoping for something with double D's last Christmas Richard but never got it! :thumbup:

Probably all I need for Christmas is the enthusiasm to use the photographic equipment I already have. I can't think of anything else I really need.


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I don't like Christmas very much although I have no "Faith" I feel it has gone beyond the pale these days,

I got my tripod, not the one Robin recommended a while back( from Jessops :)) but very similar it's great just the one knob to twiddle, no levers to get myself caught up on


Thanks Robin for pointing me in the right direction

Gerry got his telescope, LOL Instructions in German, I expect the rest of the holiday will be spent trying to find a manual written in English (Typical)

We don't have a great deal, but in some ways a lot more than some, so I am contented with what I have.

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We don't have a great deal, but in some ways a lot more than some, so I am contented with what I have.

Nice thought, Blackrox, we're of the same mind! Got my Chrissie present yesterday - 10 bales of pea straw for the garden, and another 10 to come later in the week! :thumbup: :thumbup:

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