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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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This a retired Teacher who was a colleague of my daughter a few years back...............I just had to request a portrait after seeing her sporting this, her....Special Hat.......it was purchased in France during a holiday, she treasures it, for sentimental reasons:


Best viewed LARGE...........Click on the Pic:






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Her  face tells a story all of its own. I love the softness and characteristics of elderly skin and this image really works. The natural pose, the smile, she's adorable. Even the contrasting pink and blue all add to make a great portrait.


Are you familiar with Andrzej Dragan? The effect he used would work like a dream on this image. There's a few tutorials online and its the high pass filter that makes the image.


Hope you don't mind my idea as a different approach for characteristic portraits. Then again, Dragan is a marmite thing, you either love it or hate it.

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Thank you all for the very positive response to this....

R, is a retired Drama Teacher,Voice Coach and Therapist, so has lots of people skills, I think this shows in her face, as I explained, the Pink cloche hat means a great deal to her for very strong sentimental reasons.

Chrissy.........thank you for the pointer, I will investigate poste haste........thanks to our other new member Pauln too, after his advice, I have been learning the uses of the quirky.......High Pass Filter.......if used selectively ( as here) it can make a HUGE difference to the finished appearance of many shots.

The other factor that went towards the success of this study is the use of my newly acquired M 4/3 SIGMA 1:2.8-60 ART Portrait Lens.......it is a quirky little beast that rattles when the camera isnt switched on ( most dusconcerting)...... the lens is not that good for my usual Street Photography approach, but for portrature in general, it is an absolute winner, its cost isnt too bad either.

Ive just explored the work of ....Andrzej Dragan......Yes! I can see what you mean, but many are a bit dark in mood for me......but, I can see that far more experimentation with that filter is called for....so....watch this space........love experimenting ;-)

Thank you all, again.


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