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I assiduously watched all the way through. Wish I'd started from about halfway through as all the interesting stuff (to my mind anyway) is in the second half. I found the first half a bit technical. When he gets on to his own pictures and gives the rationale behind them, then it got very absorbing.


I did like the bit where he says some people talk about enlargement ratios, and he says "I don't think about that stuff. Really. I'm just 'Ooh, pretty!' [click]".

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I guess that this great tutor, adjusts his presentations to suit the audience in front of him at the time?

I found the whole, totally absorbing, just like him, I lack the techie mind so shoot what I like the look of.......his lecture delivery is measured, with each section, marked by a reassuring, reinforcing comment. I did suggest watching in fifteen minute episodes which helps the whole sink in........the beauty of video presentations, is that you can alway go back over any part at liesure, to grasp even more meaning.

I can only admire the powers that be at B&H and their tutors for allowing world wide distribution of what could be very expensive to attend presentations. The American way of delivery can grate at times, but that is how they are, I have learned all of my photographic skills via my forum memberships and via YouTube videos.

I was surprised that he didn't mention flash or the use of pro or DIY snoot diffuser/ reflectors though, I know through my membership of the specialist Macro/Micro forum, that most macro enthusiasts use them.

His advice on Stacking was brief but excellent...........I learned so much.


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I was surprised that he didn't mention flash or the use of pro or DIY snoot diffuser/ reflectors though, I know through my membership of the specialist Macro/Micro forum, that most macro enthusiasts use them.

His advice on Stacking was brief but excellent...........I learned so much.



But he did! Didn't you see the bit about where he bought a cable to pull his flash well away from the camera, and how he recommended turning the power down to the minimum in order to 'kiss the subject', and then finishing off with a review of ring flash? And his bit about little umbrellas or small and lightweight reflectors, and that "anything will do"?

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Hi, Chris,

Sorry!.......Yes, I was laying attention........I do recall that ......but..

What he didn't do is use a Diffuser/Reflector snoot pro or DIY.........I also recall him saying that he wasn't out to shoot flies eyes, it looks as if he concentrates on flowers and plants?

Many of the top macro shooters use diffuser snoots fitted on top off their speed light, on camera........I do this, and also have a Flash extender arm that fits to the camera via the tripod screw, this takes the speed light out to the front of my sony 28-100 macro lens plus three extension tubes.

My basic settings for macro shooting are ....... F 11-16 .......S160 ........ISO. To suit ambient light and flash power chosen.

His advise regarding choosing the right background was probably the most important.

A great presentation all round.


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Hi, Chris,

Sorry!.......Yes, I was laying attention........I do recall that ......but..

What he didn't do is use a Diffuser/Reflector snoot pro or DIY.........I also recall him saying that he wasn't out to shoot flies eyes, it looks as if he concentrates on flowers and plants?

Many of the top macro shooters use diffuser snoots fitted on top off their speed light, on camera........I do this, and also have a Flash extender arm that fits to the camera via the tripod screw, this takes the speed light out to the front of my sony 28-100 macro lens plus three extension tubes.

My basic settings for macro shooting are ....... F 11-16 .......S160 ........ISO. To suit ambient light and flash power chosen.

His advise regarding choosing the right background was probably the most important.

A great presentation all round.



Thanks for the explain Fuji - I still have absolutely no idea what a snoot is though, apart from what Scottish badgers have.

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Thanks for the explain Fuji - I still have absolutely no idea what a snoot is though, apart from what Scottish badgers have.



Portable soft box would be the nearest explanation I could give

I dont think you fit your flash with a dead badger, although that will diffuse light to a great degree

Edited by fuzzyedges
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Thanks for the explain Fuji - I still have absolutely no idea what a snoot is though, apart from what Scottish badgers have.

Hi, Chris,

Look through my posts in the.....EQUIPMENT AND SETTINGS section, for my post on the basin Flash Duffuser/ refector I constructed from a plastic pudding basin, I have included full instructions and a photograph.

A snoot is essentially a commercial or DIY hood that fits over the front of your Speedlight, in the past I have used, sections of opaque plastic milk containers, a Juice Jug......but my final choice of opaque plastic pudding basin works best of all.

The hood should be held on to the flash by any convenient means, Gaffa Tape, Elastic Bands etc......the hood can be made to extend to beyond the end of your macro lens, it should be, fist, lined with cooking foil to ensure the flash is reflected all the way along......then white paper kitchen towel stretched over but below the foil acts as the diffuser to prevent harsh highlights and blown whites.

I was inspired to make my Basin version, when a semi pro photographer mate loaned me his expensive.....Garry Phong Diffuser .....which consists essentially a collapsible opaque plastic pudding basin........look them up on Google.

Go get a lidded pudding basin, cut a hole with flaps in the base to fit tightly over your Speedlight......line the top inside quadrant with cooking foil, the inside of the lid with one layer of white paper towel and....HEY PRESTO! ....you have one excellent all round Flash Diffuser that cuts about three quid......they work beautifully.


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I was inspired to make my Basin version, when a semi pro photographer mate loaned me his expensive.....Garry Phong Diffuser .....which consists essentially a collapsible opaque plastic pudding basin........look them up on Google.

Go get a lidded pudding basin, cut a hole with flaps in the base to fit tightly over your Speedlight......line the top inside quadrant with cooking foil, the inside of the lid with one layer of white paper towel and....HEY PRESTO! ....you have one excellent all round Flash Diffuser that cuts about three quid......they work beautifully.



As I only have my camera's 'pop up' option, I could use an old white 35mm film container with a thin slit cut along it, and slide it over the flash? (Mind you, 'pop up' flash is no good for macro work anyway, so it's kinda theoretical as far as I'm concerned).

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Giving it a go, a grass seed

Click to enlarge 



Did  a stack of 12 exposures

Will just post the first and final images



First focus at the front


Final focus at the back


Edited by blackrox
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