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Springtail Party Night! Boogie on down!


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On a small bit of plastic pond liner, tucked away under the paving stones that overlap my little pond, were loads of pale little lumps that were twitching to the naked eye.

Thanks to 3 extension tubes and a bit of a crop, the movement is revealed as a Springtail Boogie Session! Lots of little Globular Springtails, each one less than the size of a pinhead. Almost certainly these are the Sminthurides aquaticus variety.

Used flash & an ISO 500 to get enough light into the area, and a touch of NR in post-production.


This was taken when the weather was kinder, in the summer...






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Hi, Paul,

Springtails are just about, my favourite macro subjects, because they have such character, a bit like a Disney creation in real life...............what is amazing about them, is that they can be discovered in the garden during the winter months, thay are hardy little beggars.

I deliberately have blocks of wood and half logs directly on the earth, turn them over, in almost any weather and macro subjects are usually there including springtails.........they can also be found under large dead leaves that have been on the ground for some time.

Yours, us a particularly good study of these fascinating creatures, the lighting and focus are spot on........I have never seen so many in one place at the same time........a shot for a competition or for publication I think?


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Cheers peeps.


I love the globs in particular - I have some other shots that always cheers me up when I review them.


You're right about being hardy - it's always an option in the colder weather, if I can be bothered about going out in the cold to find them!




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