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This is awful... gruesome video.

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I can honestly say without any shadow of doubt whatsoever thay if it had been my garden these butchers and their bl**dy hounds had entered I would have ended up in court because I would have reached for my powerful .22 air rifle and started to let fly at those damn dogs. I would like to mention that the rifle is hardly ever used these days, I used to use it for target shooting and not to kill defenceless creatures, although I do confess to having shot a few troublesome Magpies that I have seen killing song birds years ago. Just thought I'd mention this as I don't want you to think I keep a gun for killing anything.

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I would also like to say that the law is an ass, hunting of all types should have been completely banned and all hunt premises should have been raised to the ground. You cannot expect anyone to believe that hunts stick to the rules and follow scented trails, how can these dogs be keep under control... this video clearly shows they can't. There are most likely hundreds of foxes killed this way when no one is there to see what happens.

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I would also like to say that the law is an ass, hunting of all types should have been completely banned and all hunt premises should have been raised to the ground. You cannot expect anyone to believe that hunts stick to the rules and follow scented trails, how can these dogs be keep under control... this video clearly shows they can't. There are most likely hundreds of foxes killed this way when no one is there to see what happens.

 what the video shows is a stupid person yelling and screaming at the dogs, camera in hand making them even more frenzied. I'm sure if one of the dogs had even nipped her she would have been yelling for them to be put down (which would surely be an injustice) and I think this video shows how under control the dogs themselves are not to attack a person trying to take away 'their' prize of the already dead fox.


I am neither for nor against Fox hunting I see them as vermin and if I was to go Fox hunting with a shot gun would that be any better?


 I've notice of late there is growing 'protest' against the barbaric sport of Fishing which is next on the list of the anti blood sports - yet we still see many vicious dogs owned by people who let them run loose on the street attacking other dogs and children. I don't read cases of hunt dogs attacking children but I do read again and again innocent children being badly bitten or worse by pet dogs.  


Personal opinion but I think perhaps we have the wrong priority's here and I would rather protest about the children being scared or killed by animals owned by poor dog owners than the odd fox being killed by toffs on horse back.

Edited by colinb
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What I object to is toffee nosed horsey folks going out killing foxes with a pack of bl**dy dogs and making out they are only doing it to control foxes. They are only doing it because the sad bas***ds enjoy it and consider it sport. There are better and more humane ways to control foxes. I live in a country area and I see just how easy some farmers make it for foxes to kill poultry, most are just too idle to make poultry farms secure from foxes. A lot of farmers can't even be bothered to maintain their hedges, lots are full of holes and sheep etc are always escaping onto the roads and become an hazard to motorists. With regard to fishing ( I go flyfishing), that in no way compares to the brutal way that foxes are chased and torn to pieces by a pack of mad, barking, bloody thirsty hounds.

Edited by JohnP
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John I hear what you are saying and do agree with most but what pisses me off is these 'anti mobs' will soon regard your hobby as the next evil. But they never seem to say a lot about lamping and hair coursing which is far, far more brutal, they never turn up to video those 'sports', they never wait in the dead of night for these totally evil people, the Hunts are easier and because of 'horsey' name more political.

Just think if this woman trespassed in the back yard of some of the more extreme dog owners who do go lamping, etc - I think she might not have been able to walk away so easily. The dogs in this video are far more passive and under control, the dogs in this video are more likely to be put down at the first sign they are a danger to children.


 As for fishing...






is just the start, I'm sure soon you will find these idiots making vidoes of fisherman pulling fish apart on a river bank near you (and me).

Edited by colinb
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They say they do it for a job, but no doubt most of them don't need to work and do it to break their boring lives.

I hope the video found i'ts way to the RSPCA too, but without details of who it was , what chance do they have of catching these evil so and so's.

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They say they do it for a job, but no doubt most of them don't need to work and do it to break their boring lives.

I hope the video found i'ts way to the RSPCA too, but without details of who it was , what chance do they have of catching these evil so and so's.


Tina... It's the Ledbury Hunt and I have found out the RSPCA are aware of it.



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Thanks, John. I'm glad the RSPCA know about it, but what a shame that the punishments for animal abuse isn't harsh enough.

I know it was too late to save the fox,.I  just hope it died quickly. It must have been terrible for it all the same.

You can't put the blame on the dogs really as they are only doing what they have been taught to do by unscrupulous humans.

I've rowed on-line with a woman who hunted and was trying to justify why she and the other hunters did it?
Her answer was it was a living and their way of life.

I would not back down and argued that wild animals have a way of life too, and obviously that I didn't agree with any animal being torn to pieces in agony.

Needless to say, although I am not usually an argumentative person.I stood my ground until she could argue no more and left.

I felt that I had to stand up against this type of cruelty. The animals can't speak for themselves and I take my hat off to the hunt saboteurs and the person who got the video evidence.

I agree with Colin about the lamping and hare coursing. It should all be made illegal.

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Thanks, John. I'm glad the RSPCA know about it, but what a shame that the punishments for animal abuse isn't harsh enough.

I know it was too late to save the fox,.I  just hope it died quickly. It must have been terrible for it all the same.

You can't put the blame on the dogs really as they are only doing what they have been taught to do by unscrupulous humans.

I've rowed on-line with a woman who hunted and was trying to justify why she and the other hunters did it?

Her answer was it was a living and their way of life.

I would not back down and argued that wild animals have a way of life too, and obviously that I didn't agree with any animal being torn to pieces in agony.

Needless to say, although I am not usually an argumentative person.I stood my ground until she could argue no more and left.

I felt that I had to stand up against this type of cruelty. The animals can't speak for themselves and I take my hat off to the hunt saboteurs and the person who got the video evidence.

I agree with Colin about the lamping and hare coursing. It should all be made illegal.


here here !! no animal should be killed by being tormented and terrified and chased down by a pack of humans on horses and dogs. its disgusting behaviour by people who claim to be intelligent human beings... if you are that intelligent a human being, then you would find a humane way to cull these creatures if they truly need it

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here here !! no animal should be killed by being tormented and terrified and chased down by a pack of humans on horses and dogs. its disgusting behaviour by people who claim to be intelligent human beings... if you are that intelligent a human being, then you would find a humane way to cull these creatures if they truly need it

 not sure Foxes need culling Heather but they are vicious little animals - did you know if one gets in to a chicken coup it will kill every chicken it can sink its teeth into? Unlike some predators it doesn't just kill for food foxes seem to enjoy it - similar to the hounds I suppose.

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