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Microsoft Studio


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I realise you've all been on the edge of your seats watching the MicrosoftEvent from New York this aft, but I thought I'd share this for the very few that weren't

Click the link, scroll down to the video, play and fast forward to 1:15:15 (or watch it all, it's fascinating), all I need is some space :cry:

Microsoft Studio


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Shall we have another Mac OS v Windoze punch-up? I'll go first........

I think Macs are beautiful. And they give you a warm, smug feeling when you take out your MacBook Pro in Costa or on the train.

Anyone else? Go on, you know you want to. I'm prepared to lay odds that Beepster will be jumping in before the evening ends!



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Don't know where you got that wooden spoon from Lord K .... You never come last in anything ... But you certainly get  a gold medal when it comes to the Agent Provocateur  stakes .... I shall have to give you a sound thrashing  young man ... Methinks after all the excitement of your last adventure in Cheshire , it must be boredom that has precipitated this new found interest in the art of stirring :lol:

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For me a computer needs to be suitable for photography and have a minimal impact in the house as I don't have a computer room - the iMac fits the bill perfectly. After that I like things that are well designed, I like aesthetically pleasing objects and I hate technology that needs fiddling with to work. Again the iMac fits the bill while macOS does a very good job of just getting on with running the background gubbins without intruding. 

Yes you can get all-in-one Windows based machines but frankly they're all crap - a PC in its typical form is an ugly, nasty, plastic monstrosity spouting wires, heat and noise. Laptops typically have crap screens and even if we're talking a MBP then for the money my iMac has more bang-per-buck.

As to my current iMac then nothing I have seen comes close to matching the 5k screen, the M.2 SSD reads/writes amazingly fast and I find the mouse/keyboard extremely nice to use.

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And as to that link - who wants their main computer screen covered in filthy fingerprints and why the hell wold you want to thrash your arms about trying to prod at stuff on a 28" tablet?

Vertical screen should not be touch - AT ALL
Horizontal/tablets should be of a size that is comfortable to put on your knee not some monstrosity that needs a desk.

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I'm fully with El Beepo re touch screens - if my MacBook screen was covered in finger marks it would drive me to distraction. I have a friend with a touch screen laptop and the screen looks like it's been used by a family of chimps. Gimme a graphics tablet any day.

That there machine in that there fillum does look rather beautiful and I've no doubt it works like a dream. But would I swap from Mac? Don't be silly, would I eckerslike! And I've never met anyone who has made the change from Windows to Mac and regretted the decision.


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"The gentlemen doth protest too much, methinks"; 2 dedicated Apple threads but you still hijack this one.
So, Apple screens are self cleaning, that's a novelty.

Don't worry, I feel your pain, I'd be peeved too after spending a small fortune on a computer, only for something superior to be released just a few weeks later, gutted. You're all invested massively into Apple that you'd never upgrade anyway.

I, unfortunately, don't have the space for the Microsoft Studio, but will be investing in the new Surface Book in January. Eat my dust! :18_kissing_heart:

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

Don't worry, I feel your pain, I'd be peeved too after spending a small fortune on a computer, only for something superior to be released just a few weeks later, gutted. You're all invested massively into Apple that you'd never upgrade anyway.

I know, I know. My PowerBook 3400 was reduced from £4000 but still cost me £1500 in 1998. And frustratingly, the stupid thing still works. :notfair:

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No need to feel my pain, Philbo, I'm not in any pain. Apart from the hemmorhoids that is. And I got cream for them.

And you, ya bugger, you started this knowing full well how it would go. You're baiting the Mac lovers you are - prodding us with a sh*tty stick and hoping we respond so you can call us sad boys and laugh at our insecurities. Well........

I'm dropping out of this thread, it's just no fun any more. I just might start a 'Photoshop - Is it cheating?' thread, though. That'll rattle the bars on a cage or two!





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