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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


New iMAC on order


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1 hour ago, kev7d said:

Well, judging by the way this machine is working with 8gb RAM, which is great, I have now decided to go the same route as BP.  I have just ordered 2 8gb sticks from Crucial taking me to 24gb. This iMAC is quite something.  

The only thing I am having issues with is the bundled software such as Pages, I cannot get the updates done. There is some issue with my Apple ID. But I am sure it will be something and nothing that I will fix over the coming days.

When I get home tonight, I will have had a broad band upgrade too. Fibre Optic!!!!!!

I honestly think thats the best value for money - 24GB is still a fair bit and with the 4GB GPU which all the native apps use you have plenty of grunt and capacity. 

I can't get fibre AT ALL even though all the local exchange boxes are fibre ready. BT still don't have any firm plans to upgrade out lines so I'm stuck on about 9-11Mbps. 

Enjoy your trip to Rome and look forward to seeing the images.

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3 hours ago, kev7d said:

Well, judging by the way this machine is working with 8gb RAM, which is great, I have now decided to go the same route as BP.  I have just ordered 2 8gb sticks from Crucial taking me to 24gb. This iMAC is quite something.  

The only thing I am having issues with is the bundled software such as Pages, I cannot get the updates done. There is some issue with my Apple ID. But I am sure it will be something and nothing that I will fix over the coming days.

If you currently use Pages 4 on your 2011 Mac, whatever you do DON'T REPLACE IT WITH PAGES 5!!!!! Apparently it's missing a whole heap of stuff that was in 4. One day it will catch up I'm sure, but for now you can have both on your Mac, but continue to use 4 as it's a much more fully featured app. (This was true for Yosemite, so I hope it's still true for Sierra).

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There seems to be a bug in the software? If you get notified there are new replies on another page (which there weren't!!) but you go ahead and post anyway, it looks like your reply hasn't gone through as it still sits there with the Submit Reply button active. So you press it again... For each press, the reply still (apparently) doesn't post, until you go to the 2nd page and see your replies, one for each button press!

Can one of you Admin people kindly delete the duplicate post above? Many ta.

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36 minutes ago, ChrisLumix said:

There seems to be a bug in the software? If you get notified there are new replies on another page (which there weren't!!) but you go ahead and post anyway, it looks like your reply hasn't gone through as it still sits there with the Submit Reply button active. So you press it again... For each press, the reply still (apparently) doesn't post, until you go to the 2nd page and see your replies, one for each button press!

Can one of you Admin people kindly delete the duplicate post above? Many ta.

Phil mentioned it in the ShoutBox earlier - it should be fixed later today.

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One other note - if you are using an older version of Microsoft Office (as I was) you need to update it for use on a high resolution screen or it pixelates horribly. The latest version scale correctly and are razor sharp - this is just a MS issue and I can't find any other apps that don't scale correctly.

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I am taking all these little nuggets of information  on a dinner sized platter and  trying to digest them all in anticipation of  being able to  afford a meal in the same restaurant in a few weeks .... I've just got to book the table and choose something tasty on the menu  that I can afford !;)

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Chris, I have no other version of pages except what has come with the new iMAC. The updates are fixed now too. I guess I am not too worried about pages as I do have MS Office 2011 which is now on the new iMAC. 

BP - I will look at the MS Office scaling.

Polly, go on, get your self a shiny new iMAC.

Camera is already for Rome now. Set off Saturday. So hopefully some great pics to work on the new machine when I get back.

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I am getting one Kev ... Just waiting to decide the spec ... by following your observations ...  I've already bent Beepy's ear privately  to ask advice on what to get ...  So ...it's a lot of dosh and I want to make all the right decisions.. I'm watching this space avidly .... ;)

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Yep it is a lot of money.  I took my time deciding as well to make sure I was doing the right thing for myself.

The extra 16gb of RAM arrives tomorrow too.  I am away with work tomorrow so should get this fitted Friday evening.  

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In complete and utter comparison....

Yesterday, I fired up my now redundant XP PRO Desktop, connected to a cheap, used 16 inch monitor.......it chugs along very slowly now.....I keep it because it, plus its two external drives contains all my files from all my previous computers ( at least four) ......

The replacement, a high spec Sony Viao laptop, just runs Photoshop, Bridge, plugins, plus the internet and free Office software, on my 27 inch monitor....it is lighting fast.


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Ooooh  I am off to order mine  in November ..:jig:. ... I  am beside myself with anticipation .....no  really ... I am ... My only worry is that  I  need  to get someone to set it all up for me .... I know I can't do it myself ... so I may be asking lots of advice as Beepy already knows ...:whistle:

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Do what I do.....

There are hundreds of used digital and manual lenses on eBay and used Tech Stores such as CEX......., all of my mono posts of today were shot through a fully manual Vintage COSINON 2.8-35 mm film camera lens that cost less than £50.

My used Sony VAIO Laptop tied to my 27 inch monitor is super-fast using CS6 and Google Efex to process my pics......I'm quids in!


All of this doesn't mean I wouldn't go for an iMac and Leica Kit if I won the Lottery


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