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Before anyone takes me to task...this dramatic rendering of Kenilworth Castle has been created deliberately as an exercise in extreme processing....Why?

Because, I am learning exactly what the amazing Nik Efex are capable of...and.......because our over familiar Castle is dramatic, so lends itself to dramatic rendering.

A spoonful of Marmite methinks?

Original RAW file opened then brightened in CS6, then a selection from the amazing HDR efex menu....with a few twiddles to finish off.

In HDR mode....you can use an incredible DEPTH too..... I used a tripod for taking a whole series of shots as the sun went down......I realise the flare is there, but didn't want to lose the curve of the path.

In all areas you can use selected control points to increase of increase ANY chosen effect........I am so pleased I downloaded this totally FREE software.

I am getting to grips with it after losing all my TOPAZ filters after my upgrade to Windows 10.

This supercharged SONY VIAO Laptop is lightning fast, it makes post processing a real pleasure;

Observations very welcome.




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You're spot-on re NIK, Fooj, it's just about the best freebie available at the moment. I too would recommend it to everyone.

I like what you've done with the sky and castle - if you were aiming for drama, you got it!

The footpath feels wrong to me, though, It's leading my eye off to the left and away from the castle rather than leading me in and I find it a tad confusing.

You asked for observations, so that's mine - it'll be interesting to see others.


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Thank you Korky.....a very encouraging response with an accurate observation regarding the footpath.

one thing I am aware of in NIK EFEX is that it could de-skill you if you have learned the slow, labored layers way of building effects to produce a result little by little......the pre-set selections in EFEX can make things just a bit too easy.....so it I'd the software and not the photographer doing the processing.

I honestly say that I use a bit of both now.


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45 minutes ago, OlympusPaul said:

Works for me Fuji, I'd be inclined to crop the foreground out to a panaramic format.

Thank you Paul.....that is an interesting suggestion.....I will try it later.


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It is a great  free filter programme  to use  with photoshop Fooj and you can be very judicious when using it to get your very own recipes  that can be saved ... ...I'm glad you are getting to grips with it .... and as far as I'm concerned  it's merely another tool too to aid the creative  urge..  

Agree with Korks ...I  think the path  takes the eye out  to the left far too much  without bringing it back in with any subtlety. If the path does turn back to wards the castle   it would be better   to move the position from which you took the photo...otherwise i might have had the path so that it started nearer the  right  bottom corner so that it was then positioned to run more in a diagonal horizontal line across the lower third  of the composition  to end up just below the horizon of the trees where the  eye  would then travel back in almost as an optical illusion of the path  running back into the  picture  As I have mentioned on a few other threads ... I think it would be nice to see the before and after  with  our creations that have been manipulated  with a a work flow  describing  the process. I'm sure there are some people who are interested  in  seeing how an ordinary  image can be transformed  sometimes ..

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It is difficult for me to comment on the image when you have intentionally pushed the processing. :) 

The sky and clouds have been rendered with a rather odd "dirty" white and blue. I think there were some spots on the lens that the Nik HDR processing has amplified and really stands out in the blues along with the introduction of halos?

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Some of the presets and recipes in Nik can be a little over the top, however the Nik processing is always applied via its own layer. So..........

A useful tip is to dial down the opacity of the Nik layer if it's a little too harsh.

I find that HDR Efex can be a bit brutal where skies are concerned, but it can be controlled.

Happy experimentations, Fooj. I look forward to seeing more of 'em.


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Thank you all.

As I stated this was a bit of creative faffing about pushing the HDR filters, then adjudting this and that here and there...

kev, you are very observant....the sunburst, created a whole line of lens flares diagonally down to the LH corner, these were removed with the Spot Tool.......I also have quite serious dust on my sensor too, these show up in blue skies particularly.

I used the camera sensor cleaning prog, plus gave the sensor a few powerful blasts from my Rocket Blower....I am about to acquire a sensor cleaning kit.

Back to the pic......it was just me attempting to transform a rubbish shot into something interesting......I learned a lot during the process.

Love all the feedback......thanks all.


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To my mind , the learning process should always be fun  Fooj ... And as long as we keep enjoying that,  I'm always ready to experiment, so good on you for doing the same and putting yourself out there and doing things you're not always 100% sure of .  Too many folk say that they can't when they haven't tried  or are afraid of what others may say... I love the attitude you have and the responses you get when you try something out from a great gang on here ...   With most of these filters you do have to zoom in hard to check for abberrations, halos and fringing   .....And adjust the fine print  so to speak  As I said  as long as you are enjoying the learning process  just keep trying out new things ... If we don't experience disappointments or failures we'd never know the joy of success  and getting it right  eh ? :lol:

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I have had NIK for a good few years now. :) I use NIK quite a bit (along with Topaz). My preference is never to use the preset filters. I enjoy working the image from scratch. I find this works better for me. If NIK or other is needed I find that real subtle use can bring out the best results. But we all work differently. :) 

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1 hour ago, kev7d said:

I have had NIK for a good few years now. :) I use NIK quite a bit (along with Topaz). My preference is never to use the preset filters. I enjoy working the image from scratch. I find this works better for me. If NIK or other is needed I find that real subtle use can bring out the best results. But we all work differently. :) 

Hi, Kev,

'I have mentioned in another post, that both TOPAZ and NIK, have the potential to De-Skill you, if you only rely on their pre-sets, but for those who are lazy, or, not as adventurous, they can be a Godsend.

I much prefer, to open an original, then have a think, I might shuffle through a few pre-sets to get the feel of what I want.

But, by far, my favourite way, is to build my final image, in small selective steps, on layers, particularly where tonal values are involved, I then move to contrast finally to targeted textures and sharpening. 

Occassionslly, I go nuts, to have a play as in the example above......I did say that it was a .....Marmite.....production, liked by some, hated by others.

Polly is right, in stating that going over the top at times, is a very good way to learn and to stimulate fresh ideas.........plus, encouraging discussion and comment.


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I find many very useful Tutorials on YouTube.....this is the one I am currently using ......I didn't even know about what those control points are capable of.........nor the split preview.....oh and much, much more.

I am a morning person, so this is my learning time.

I can recommend this way, of one-to-one tuition.



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