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Windows 10.


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Bed at 9 last night, then up at 4 for work so not had chance to install it yet.

I'm getting used to it a bit now, if an old duffer like me can use it I'm sure a genius like you will be just fine with it... :lol:

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The servers must have been working hard last night because the download for my desktop took about 7 hours, I've only started the download to my laptop 10 minutes ago and it's already reached 30%

Sounds like 'early adopters' will be 'late adopters' by the time their download's finished. :lol: 

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I'm pleased to report no problems with Windows 10 so far, everything works and nothing was lost during the install. Even my 12 year old HP psc 950 all in one printer works OK. I'm surprised that my very old PaintShop Pro9 works too. So far so good!

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It's not my turn yet. lol. I think everyone is trying to get it at once, but I don't mind waiting.
When I bought my new PC it was Windows 8 with a free upgrade to Windows 8.1.
It downloaded it and told me that it was ready to install, so I guess this might happen with Windows 10.

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Very pleased to hear about early versions of PSP and HP printer - himself has an early PSP (maybe 9 or 13 ) and a 7 year old HP all in one so I was a bit worried. When he's finished writing his latest tome, I'll have a go at upgrading for him :)

He has Office on sub - so  hope that will be OK!  Also, does your AV work?


It might be better to wait until you get the notification to install W10, I tried to jump the queue several times and it failed everytime.

I then discovered this:  http://venturebeat.com/2015/07/28/how-to-force-windows-to-start-downloading-the-windows-10-update-files/

It worked fine on my desktop but failed to work on my laptop... not sure why. Anyway I'll wait for the notification to install on my laptop.... although knowing me I'll try again if the notification a long time coming. AVG works fine.


Edited by JohnP
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done the laptop (w7), don't like edge and cartina??? or whatever it is called is no good to me, got the aol back on the web, links and old programs seem to be working ok.

to me they have auto added stuff that I will never use, but try and uninstall them is another matter. also using up space with stuff I don't need or use, progress I suppose but I think they should ask if you want it and not download as per course.


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It went fine on my PC but I've had some problems with my Samsung Chronos 7 laptop. I went on the Microsoft Community site and found several folks on there with exactly the same problem, given time there sure to be loads of people who have the same laptop having trouble. I can use almost everything on the laptop, it's just some of the Fn keys are not working. At first the touch pad didn't work either but that was an easy fix.

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I haven't had any notification on my netbook, so it's probaly not suitable.

Can't try it on mu later net book as my grandaughter has borrowed it for a while.

I am leaving the old PC that I have upstairs with XP. The other old PC probablyvwouldn't cope with it, but I am happy to have it ru ning on my newer PC, so long as it doesn't give me any hassle.

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Some aspects of Windows 10 annoy the c**p out of me, thank goodness I'm still able to boot up on Windows 7 which I still have on two other hard drives in my PC. Tomorrow I'm going back to Windows 7 for the day and try and make up my mind whether I actually want 10 or not.

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I have had to scout around to finds things, and the email program won't sinc yet. I am getting a message saying "we are working on it"
No problem as I use Googlemail most of the time and that's fine.

I got used to Windows 8 and then 8.1 so I guess with a little time, I will get used to 10.
Pages and applications seem to be loading pretty quick at the moment.

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I'm using Windows 7 this morning and I'm enjoying it's simplicity, Windows 10 to me anyway is just plain frustrating. I just want a simple to use operating system and Windows 7 is just that... as few bells and whistles as possible. I realise I will have to go over to Windows 10 when Microsoft stop security updates in January 2020, I am therefore planning on keeping Windows 10 on one hard drive and boot up on that once a week to keep it updated so I won't have to fork out money to install it again in 2020...I don't want to think about how old I'll be then!

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I gave up with Outlook email, but use Googlemail to get all my emails in one place anyway.

Haven't tried the printer yet, so fingers crossed that will be ok.

I am going to leave 10 on as I think you need to use a new OS over a longer period of time to find out how it works and to get the full benefit from it.


Edited by NannyFerret
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I think that  all sounds very positive John....if it aint broke etc

I'm gonna wait at least 6 months ... ;)

Windows 10 stopped the Fn keys working on my laptop... I'm not happy!  Going back to Windows 7 on my PC is no problem as I've still got it on two other bootable hard drives, it's a different story with my laptop. With the laptop I have decisions to make, obviously if I want to go back to W7 I will have to do a full reinstall, if I do that I will have to buy W10 after the end of July next year. The other alternative is to stick with W10 and try and sort out the Fn key problem which up to now I've not been able to do.

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Windows 10 stopped the Fn keys working on my laptop... I'm not happy!  Going back to Windows 7 on my PC is no problem as I've still got it on two other bootable hard drives, it's a different story with my laptop. With the laptop I have decisions to make, obviously if I want to go back to W7 I will have to do a full reinstall, if I do that I will have to buy W10 after the end of July next year. The other alternative is to stick with W10 and try and sort out the Fn key problem which up to now I've not been able to do.

They will probably get round to supplying fixes for these sort of thing eventually, but it must be frustrating no to be able to use the FN keys.

My all-in-one scanner and printer works fine.

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"Windows 10 stopped the Fn keys working on my laptop"

do you mean the function keys or the manufacturers use of the function keys?

i had to download something from samsung to get the extras on the function keys working.

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"Windows 10 stopped the Fn keys working on my laptop"

do you mean the function keys or the manufacturers use of the function keys?

i had to download something from samsung to get the extras on the function keys working.

The Fn keys on the keyboard marked in blue stopped working, I tried downloading Samsung Easy Settings as that had disappeared after installing W10 but it seemed like it wasn't compatible. I've now restored back to W7 and at first the Fn keys didn't work, after downloading Easy Settings again and running it I've got all my Fn keys working again,

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i had that problem on win7 but don't remember uninstalling samsung easy settings - maybe microsoft keyboard update put the kibosh on it?

if your touchpad is like mine you might want to download touchfreeze. it stops the keyboard typing by itself. :)

i also put another 4gb of ram (£25 approx) and that sped the machine up quite a bit.

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i had that problem on win7 but don't remember uninstalling samsung easy settings - maybe microsoft keyboard update put the kibosh on it?

if your touchpad is like mine you might want to download touchfreeze. it stops the keyboard typing by itself. :)

My touch pad is fine, it did stop working but uninstalling and reinstalling sorted that out. My laptop is a Chronos 7, what's yours?

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it's an old NP300E.

they must have sorted out the touchpad. whenever my hand went near it the computer would generate spurious characters.

i don't know if you've already got your full complement of ram but it's reasonably cheap to upgrade it nowadays. the first computer i built cost me £400 for 16Mb.

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spent some time deleting stuff with w10, but some of the windows stuff I know I don't want and will not use won't uninstall. I did find a way to switch some off in settings. 

to me, if your used to apps or these smart phones then you should be ok, geared up for the younger people and future, but me being an older type gets confused. I like the more basic stuff, easy to use and saves memory.

the main thing that put me off straight away, I was told that using edge (for the web) was that everything I searched for or looked at was also sent to Microsoft, not keen on that idea, privacy straight out of the window. there is also something in there that lets some apps read your emails sent & received. that's switched off

i'll leave it on the laptop but I don't think i'll download it on to pc (8.1) as the machine is a year old so when I have to change the pc in a few years it (w10) will already be set up on the new machine.


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