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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    TIPF Meet up

    I didn't know if anything had been arranged in the past. It just seems like there was some interest in the Kielder meet up. Yes Leon that's Kielder. Anyone that is interested can post some dates and we can see what is best for most...obviously some dates will be better for some than others so we would have to go with a majority on that. Sounds like more interest Yeah that's an idea or we can put forward anywhere near us that would be good photographic opportunities like special events or photogenic areas Well done Annie haha So do you organise a regular yearly meet Phil?
  2. Conratulations BP, I loved it the moment I saw it, Good taste Annie
  3. Hi Guys As you may be aware the Northumberland National Park has been awarded gold star dark sky status by the International Dark Skies Association, becoming Europe's largest Dark Sky Park. The Photos I put up of the Meteors inspired a conversation between me and BP about going up there to take some night sky photos sometime early 2014. I thought it would be a great opportunity for those who can make it up there to meet up. It will be for a few hours from around midnight and no date has been set yet. I understand that geographically this will be impossible for some to make the round trip for a few hours, so I thought maybe we could get together on here and organise some regional meets and maybe organise something larger and maybe over a weekend once or twice a year and have an annual or bi-annual TIPF meet up. Of course the regional meets could be attended by anyone and those not local could maybe organise to stay over at hotels etc. in the areas. This would suit our kielder meet as there is the Kielder Forest and Kielder Water, the largest man made lake in northern Europe so there would be plenty of interest to anyone staying over. Let me know your thoughts on this please
  4. Sorry James I do mine 1 at a time in Photoshop Elements 12...That may do it but it isn't something I have looked at, I know some versions of Photoshop do it though
  5. What a great experience that must have been for you John
  6. I think the noise is acceptable in both, however I think #2 works best, the noise compliments the image whereas in #1 it takes over the image. As always - purely subjective
  7. I had heard that vinyl was officially a better and more true sound than digital recordings But I think there is far too much emphasis on clean, sharp and bright images that are just a perfect copy of what is in front of the lens, not all subjects or circumstances warrant this, and I think a lot of atmosphere and even the magic of photography is sometimes lost as a result
  8. Don't worry about shots being 'worthy' Brian, I think most photography has something to say, and if anyone thinks there are ways to improve on a shot they will say so in a very constructive way or if you are looking for advice to improve on a shot, post it in image critique I still think the most important thing is to enjoy your photography, and as you are revisiting photography you may only need advice on the technical side?
  9. I think that's fascinating Chris, I didn't know colour film was available at that ISO, but I do think a good, modern sensor can have less noise at 3200. I agree with the point you make about requiring low light capabilities these days though, whether that's good or bad I think it's probably good especially when you have the best of both now with the ability to add noise for effect
  10. Hi Brian, Welcome to the forum. I have been here about a month and have learned a lot so far. In fact I think the thing with photography is that it is a constant learning curve. Anyway, like me you will find everyone really friendly and will give great positive and constructive comments and advice. I have recently upgraded to a Nikon D7100 from a D3100 and I am still getting to grips with the new features...so you are not alone there Anyway enjoy your photography and lets see some images
  11. Definitely better in black and white
  12. I really like this set, You have captured character in the chestnut seller, and there is something compelling about the statue of the hare, but it might look better without the visa sign in the background. I think the the tree-wheel has the makings of a very artistic photograph, but for me the detail in the bottom 3rd detracts from it a bit, well done to your sis for spotting it and a good capture by you
  13. The last of the waves from the #storm surge that hit the North east coast late last week @SkonZac http://t.co/uekmtjCmxR

  14. Sunrise after the recent storm surge on the East Durham coast #Storm @SkonZac http://t.co/DbPgi3srmM

  15. David

    POTW 8th December 2013

    Well done Kobi, I think its unanimous that its a great shot and a very worthy winner
  16. A great little camera, but I couldn't justify spending a grand to buy it!
  17. David

    Camera club

    A nice feline portrait Mr Wall, Fluffy's eyes really make the image come to life
  18. David

    Ho, ho, ho...

    Christmas must be close! Happy Christmas to you and your family Korky. And one and all on here. I hope 2014 brings happiness and great photos for everyone! :)
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