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Everything posted by JohnP

  1. Thanks FUJI. My problem is I live alone so I coudn't have both done at the same time, I will have to look after myself with the only help coming from a friend. I will be able to get around using crutches, I wouldn't be able to do that if I couldn't put any weight on one foot. I will find it bad enough coping alone most of the time with one foot out of use.
  2. I have been suffering from bunions for several years, I saw a podiatrist on Friday and I have been told I need surgery, he told me that I need to have my big toe joint fused. Have any of you folks had this done, if so was the surgery a success, the recovery time sounds horrendous, it could take a year. As I have a bunion in both my big toes I will need them both done, the right one is by far the worst so I will leave the left one be for the time being. I really don't know whether to go ahead or just go on suffering. I believe surgery to remove the bunion and straighten the toe can be carried out without fusing the joint but there is a good chance it will return in time. If anyone as gone through this surgery please let me know how you got on.
  3. Taken in March 2012.
  4. I took these shots in February 2011. The cabins at Sani Lodge. This is where I stayed for a week, it was a 5 hour boat trip on the Rio Napo a tributary to the Amazon to get there from the nearest town. This river is a mile wide in places, it was extremely hot and sticky but quite an adventure. https://www.sanilodge.com/en/ My Cabin.
  5. Polly.. I'm absolutely delighted and so is my friend, she loves seeing them come to her back door for food every evening. The Hedgehogs have it worked out, one comes about 9.30pm and the other one gives her time to refill the dish before he/she arrives. It's amazing!!! The second house (the bought one) hasn't been slept in yet but the food left inside disappears.
  6. The Hedgehog home I made has had a Hedgehog sleeping in it for three days in a row, better than under a hedge or similar with weather like today.
  7. Polly... I checked what size the main entrance should be and most sites came up with a size of 125mm so that's the measurement I used. The Hedgehog has settled down away from the entrance to the inner sanctum so I hope it will be OK, with all the food my friend has been giving them they seem quite large to me, I hope the other Hedgehog takes to the home I bought. I would have made the second home but buying one was the best choice as I have been doing some decorating for my friend... hence I haven't been on the forum much lately. I doubt the Hedgehog will hibernate proper for a while longer. This is the house I bought. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07JBCN7CP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  8. I am really chuffed, the Hedgehog home I made is occupied for the first time today. My friend has been carefully lifting the lid slightly to have a peep since we put the home in place and she was so happy to see one of the two Hedgehog she has been feeding fast asleep inside. They have also been inside a home I bought to eat food but have not slept in that one so far.
  9. I must admit this was a surprise, I did win POTW once before but that was years ago, thank you all for the nice comments and thank you Simon for picking my image,
  10. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow, I need to get some dry leaf litter for bedding.
  11. I have made a Hedgehog house to put under the shrubs in my friends garden, like every job I do I've gone a bit OTT as usual...
  12. So sorry to read this Geoff.
  13. Well done Roger... I knew that was the winner as soon as I saw it...
  14. The Hedgehog in the photos is much more at ease than the other one which rolls up when I get near it, the one feeding makes me laugh, it comes running up the drive at close to 9.30pm most evenings. The outside lights coming on doesn't bother it and my camera flash doesn't either, I have never know an Hedgehog like it before. I have to remember it's a wild animal and it could disappear at any time which would be a shame, I pray it doesn't go near the main road about 50 metres away.
  15. I have plenty of things to do tomorrow Polly... after that I will make a start on home building for the Hedgehogs, after all I have just about finished my own home now...
  16. My friend who lives about 200 yards from me has a much bigger garden than mine, roughly three weeks ago she found an Hedgehog had left a calling card on one of her paths. There have been some great developements since then, she has got the Hedgehog coming right up to her back door for food, every evening at about 9.30pm it arrives. She has tried different foods and found it likes scrambled egg and wallnuts, I thought I would nip round this evening to see if I could takes some photos. While I was doing that would you believe another Hedgehog arrived, I didn't manage to photograph that one as it was very wary of me. Maybe in time they will both feed by my friends back door... hope so! I have ordered some exterior plywood to make a couple of cosy winter quarters in the hope that one or both will hibernate in them.
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