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Everything posted by fuzzyedges

  1. I agree with you Dave but I am getting fed up with being taken for a mug 2017 is going to be one L of a year as thats where the can up the alley stops or does it
  2. This may not do anything to change a goverments mind but doing nothing wont either Dear FairFuelUK Supporter A huge "thank you" to the 13,000 who have so far completed the FairFuelUK Pre-Budget POLL in the last 18 Hours. It would be fabulous if you could get your friends, family and colleagues to also take part in this survey on the impact of petrol and diesel prices in our personal and business lives? Please pass this email onto them with the POLL links shown below. The results from this survey will be presented to the Treasury and published in the National Media. The more who complete this POLL the more weight it will carry with the decision makers in Westminster. For those supporters who have not done so yet, please do add your thoughts by using this POLL as to what you believe is the right level of Fuel Duty Cut that would make you spend more or invest in your business. There are two Polls (Public and Business) that will help you convey your opinion. Here are the links: PUBLIC Poll: http://www.fairfueluk.com/public_poll.html BUSINESS / ORGANISATION Poll: http://www.fairfueluk.com/business_poll.html Thank you as ever for your help in the fight for lower petrol and diesel prices Very kind regards The FairFuelUK Team - www.fairfueluk.com The Campaign is backed by The RAC, FTA, RHA, Aldermore Bank, Association of Pallet Networks and the Fuelcard Company
  3. A friend of mine's wife once asked "what do they called that nut on the top of a walnut whip?" Idiot sighting No1 above Have you ever done this in reverse to a bored airhead , When the bill comes to say £ 2.53 say just a minute I have 46pence here and then stand back and watch their brain explode
  4. Apparently those that are chipped now a sizable number has its information either incorrectly entered or not updated Once chipped the owner forgets about it and moves house without the update I know only too well the outcome when I chipped the wifes favorite vase So chipping a dog dosnt seem workable too me
  5. Film and cameras in the 50's wernt as fast as now so posed would be inevitable But to get posed looking like unposed is an art in its self I love Whitby and the nostalgic photos of Sutcliffe but the vast majority were posed and belive it or not some were contraversal in there time
  6. Why did you get annoyed Click on link click on selected work click on viewed images and then view one by one whats to get annoyed about
  7. http://nickknight.com/main.html He is famous Some of his work is stunning and gives rise for thought in to experimentation
  8. Are you sure it only wants re calibrating ? Obviously posed but what an idea, even if it wasnt hers, it is still one you will remember
  9. I am a bit iffish about street photograhy, the reason being apart from old SP that has nostalga, it seems like I am looking at everyday life that I see everyday Mz Maier's on the whole leaves me a bit cold, apart from the fifties effect, but there are some that are very well thought out and the composition is just so right As for the need to get close up with cameras of that day, she is using a TLR which is so much more less intimidating for SP No eye contact head bowed down Must be great with a screen you can move if you could fit a hood
  10. http://www.thecoolhunter.co.uk/amazing-places Some of the other topics are pritty cool as well
  11. Just clipping what you said is where I stand At the bottom of our road is a hill (downwards) to a T junction The hill is very rarely gritted but the road it joins is Oh so much fun is to be had watching them apply there brakes feet from the junction and sliding into the gritted road, where there brakes work The surprised looks are worth a million just before they test the strength of their seat belts
  12. Or in this day and age "Who is that unkown grown up playing with my kids??"
  13. Am I the only person that thinks the open forum (for anything photographic or anything else) is actually designed to air these type of views If you are underway phil to do somthing about it I would be grateful if you can supply a list of subjects I can and cannot talk about
  14. There is always room for the independant if he is making a living and not a killing In the case of cameras he might not compete on body prices etc but the smaller accessories How many times do you send for a filter on line around £3 and £4 postage it would be nice to buy it downtown for £4 Wouldnt it be nice to have a camera shop run like a forum. A small coffee shop on the side, someone intelligent to talk to about certain aspects of photography, somewhwere to display some of your prints Its all down to the councils they are the biggest deterent to small business they would sooner have no rent than a small rent and the goverment who would sooner have the big boys pay no tax and the surpless taken up by the little guy How many of us honestly part with £1000+ for a body on line and dont fret until its safe at home and working
  15. Never disscount people There are a lot who wont, cant, dont want to shop on line There will always be a hardcore that dont want to faff with postal arrangements, want to see before buying, impulse buy etc and dont like computers, passwords, user IDs and so forth Probably why currys groups sales went up when comet dived Slowly but surley the small man is appearing again, good service niche market etc Looking to make a living not a killing Its now up to the councils to help instead of using there expertise in hinderance and extortion Woudnt it be nice to walk down a high street and see small diverse shops
  16. lifes simple if you have the means to buy something someone will make something for you to buy Should you restrict the buying power of people, manufacturing will suffer Austerity is cramping everybodys thinking (for the good of the country????) the ones at the bottom of the payladder that support everyone else get hammered and we turn to look for the cheapest product or do with out The companies that are offering the cheapest products are the internet based (non tax paying) companies but even these will be in trouble as there profits will drop as people get further depressed Unless someone comes up with a feel good factor soon downhill is the only way this country is going Just like the eurozone crissis someone is just kicking the can further down the lane rather than picking it up
  17. Blockbusters now in administration another high street store In 16 days comet jessups hmv Blockbusters The austerity plan for growth is certainly working Thousands of jobs on the dole (wont cost us that much as the wellfare benifits are being cut) Dodging tumbelweed in town and city centers is going to be the new pass time before long
  18. Imelda may from the more modern era singing rock a billy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZucJAkzCNq8
  19. fuzzyedges


    I usually dump the junk mail unless it has a prepaid envelope, then (after removing any reference to me ) I fill it with as much junk as I can and post it on Keeps the boys at royal mail busy
  20. Very clever Had a go in the kitchen Mrs edges is not a fan Cant find the washing machine or the sink or the oven now, not that I could before mindst you Plus the sun aint shining on my paintbrush now
  21. Another great inventor has departed from our world He might be remembered for his Moulton push bikes of the Sixties but he is also credited with the Hydrolastic and the rubber suspension systems of the BMC minis and there ilk , plus you can add the hydragas system that followed on How well I remember the mini The amount of times I have cursed the cooper I had when a corner went down on the hydrolastic and I had to go and get it pumped up again It still holds fond memories for me
  22. fuzzyedges


    Nice to see another yorkshire laddie on here
  23. Oscar Niemeyer has passed away at the age of 107 While his name isnt readily recognised he was one of the most influential archetects of the 20th century His Buildings dont look all that special today but in there time they were and have influenced many since He is claimed as the "Concrete poet" His words could well apply to photography "I search for surprise in my architecture. A work of art should cause the emotion of newness." and for the abstract "I am not attracted to straight angles or to the straight line, hard and inflexible, created by man. I am attracted to free-flowing, sensual curves. The curves that I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuousness of its rivers, in the waves of the ocean, and on the body of the beloved woman. Curves make up the entire Universe, the curved Universe of Einstein I will probably think of Oscar Niemeyer when I see a lovely shaped cloud
  24. yep thats right it was an LP here is wiki's take In 1959, the Dave Brubeck Quartet recorded Time Out, an album their label was enthusiastic about but nonetheless hesitant to release. Featuring the album art of S. Neil Fujita, the album contained all original compositions, almost none of which were in common time: 9/8, 5/4, 3/4, and 6/4 were used inspired by Eurasian folk music they experienced during that US State Department sponsored tour.[18] Nonetheless, on the strength of these unusual time signatures (the album included "Take Five", "Blue Rondo à la Turk", and "Three To Get Ready"), it quickly went platinum. It was the first jazz album to sell more than a million copies
  25. Heard it today along with (further down the street) chesnuts burning on an mp3 Imagine living next door to that nobit Sad news today that Dave Brubeck has passed on to the jazz band in the clouds Always loved his Take five and Tramlines some of his odd timed numbers left me behind but those two were superb
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