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Everything posted by Craftysnapper

  1. It's always a festive time for all the members of our house.
  2. I'm confused by the term "on the pitch"you are not very specific,as to what type of shots you are being asked to take does this mean you are doing a set up team group shot if so then I will just cover that as the rest as been covered. The time of day and amount of light available especially this time of year will dictate the best way forward. If before 3pm and the light is good then the 24-105 will be fine but if light levels are low then the 50mm f1.8 and moving further back will be the way to go to keep ISO speeds down, in either way be sure to use a tripod. You could also use fill in flash depending on the coverage of your flashgun. Luckily with digital you can preview the results nd adjust accoedingly. As to posing either mid field so the background will be out of focus or use the goal posts to fame them, possibly nine men inside the goal mouth and one each side leaniing on the outside of the posts. Try different poses and rember unles in a line watch your aperture to get them all in focus,shoot atf different apertures to be sure.
  3. One I did in a studio shoot for Teressa in about 2002,I used a semi infra red film for this one. Beaerded Iris from 2006.
  4. Oh boy Chrissy old photos, as someone who has been doing it seriously 25 years I don't even remember the dates of some of them (taken on film. Lucjkily digital has the date embeded. This was taken in 2004 at Bridgenorth train station on a Canon 300D which was the first consumer affordable DSLR at £999.99!
  5. Thank you Ryewolf I do appriciate your help very much and I owe you one,various tests and then a pre op on the 25th makes it difficult for me togive it my fulll attention, again thank you.
  6. Thank you all. to be honest I I entered to make the numbers up and thought Phill's image would win it so was not expecting this and do not have a clue what to do except to make the subject anything back lit. I may be in and out of hospital in the coming week or so before my operation so if someone else could run it I would appriciate it.
  7. Got it Phill sorry for not seeung that box..my eyesight or haing a senuor moment, thank for your help.
  8. Been a few years since I owned a printer (been usin Photobox) my how they have improved,now straight out of the box everyone a perfect match to what's on the screen. I guess having a perfectly calibrated monitor hrlps. Excuse the window light on the edge of the prints lighting the edge. d
  9. II'm n ot getting that when I click on my name Phill.
  10. Fuji has BP said at web size noise is reduced ay way. I'd be more impressed if you posteed a 100% crop of the original like this so we can see the real result. of noise reduction Olympus E-M5 at ISO 3200 just a straight raw conversion in Capture One 8 using it's noise reduction. 100% crop so you can see detail and also plain area where noise shows the most.
  11. Mines simple, I know use Olympus mft cameras exclusivly and my name is Paul. Now all I need to do is load avitat but I;'m damned if I can work it out!
  12. Am I right in presuming that most of these plugins/standalone programs do not work on aw images so you are actually working on a tiff or jpeg that has had the noise baked in. So fine if you shoot jpeg but I have yet to come acrooss one that does a better job than noise reduction at the raw stage,even ACDSee Ultimate 9 I use deas well with ISO6400 on mft raw images.
  13. Took this one accidently while checking the new camera out on the first day, had the 45mm on it and accidently pressed the shutter whule looking at the front. So I suppose it's a selfie.
  14. Not much Chrissy that olympus 76mm f1.8 is tack sharp even wide open Heres a screen grab of the raw file in LR with no sharpening or adjustments at all.
  15. Unless it is intentional as in artistic intent then yes it should be sharp at the point of focus and there is alwas a sharpest point of focus alandscape fore ground or background can be out of focus as can a portrait (you usually want the eyes sharp) but where ever the focus point is should be sharp. If it is not it is more than likely slopy technique caused by camera shake or or to slow a shutter speed causing subject movement. I see to many people pictures where camera shake has rendered them fuzzy..you did ask Chrissy.
  16. Thank you for all the well wishes and I do intend taking pics and posting here amongst my friends as long as possible.
  17. Sorry I have not been around much and have nt been posting but I have had a few problems. As some may know I lost a fair amount of my sight in my right eye to chemo last year. A few weeks a go I sudenly started to lose some sight in my left eye (blurry patches), this is unrevesable as it is damge to the optic nerve due to lack of blood and oxygen to it courtsy of the chemo due to a drop in plattlets and hemagloben.Hopefully now they know to keep my blood levels up the detiriation can be aressted. I'm not complaing but this means I mow have difficulty seeing print on the computer screen even when enlarged. images are not so bad so please bear with me if my spelling seems childish. I'm learning to take pictures again even thouh I cannot see detail very well and pretty well have to get itb right in camera now. knowing where the controls are by touch helps.I will post some recent pics soon, though if you tell me they are not sharp I will have to take your word for it.
  18. Excelent and well deserevd.
  19. Hi Dave and welcome from another dog lover.I am sure you will like it it here.
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