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Korky, BP, and others who don't

I do! ........ I also read, the Times, the Guardian, The Daily Mirror, the Express, the Independent, and the Metro.....but NOT the Sun or the Star.........

Because of my broad life experiences, including my wartime childhood, my solid working class upbringing, my years on the building sites, my experiences of twenty years of Social Work with adults with severe learning disabilities, followed by twenty years of self employment, then retirement....my leanings, political, religious and anything else stay STRICTLY neautral......I flatly refuse to be swayed left or right just because my parents and grandparents might have done......I am an individual, and able to make my own decisions, .I can and do cause great confusion to many that I meet, work with or socialise with........my theory of survival is to compare it with an aircraft......a good pilot keeps everything straight and level, with the occassional bank to left or right, to keep on course and to avoid turbulance......give full left or right rudder for too long and you fly into the ground.

Strange to say, only recently, I was roundly berated in a supermarket, for. Daring to have a Daily Mail, in my basket.....Why?

It is just another newspaper containing both good and bad journalism and opinions, the same as all the others, I wonder what the Blair's read, when sipping cappuccinos in one of their mansions?

Please folks, can we keep, politics out of TIPF?


No apologies, just honest thoughts.


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Hi, Korky,

It wasn't a lecture, it was an honest response.....(rant if you prefer) ......to something that really gets me going, in exactly the same way that you would prefer me not to lecture you, I prefer not to be told which newspaper or other publication I should or shouldnt read......I have never ( and never would, say on here that I don't or won't read the Gaurdian, because of this, or, that.....its just not in my nature to do so)

My reasons?

I dont think any of you recall or are old enough, receiving an OHMS brown envelope containing ...Call-Up ...Papers.......to be dragged from family and friends like it or not, to do for two years National Service ....and to do exactly what others told you, to the point of killing others .....to have my hair cut whether I wanted it to be or not....to be told what to wear and how to wear it.........to JUMP if somebody shouted?


One of my female ancestors, married into the family of Joseph Arch, founder member of the Agricultural Workers......an Uncle was one of the founder members of our Working Mens Club...... As I explained, I have, solid working class roots......but I'm an individual, who prefers to choose my own way, according to the laws of good old common sense and not political or other bias.

TIPF is one of my places of relaxation, to exchange photograph, jokes, pleasantries and goodwill.....please.....no nudity, no, politics or religion...... ;-)


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I think we should leave the Daily Mail alone.


No, seriously.


Just because it's an anti-Semite, rabble rousing, fascist supporting, Islamophobic, xenophobic, little-Englander, smug, poisonous, vitriolic piece of an excuse for toilet paper, why should we insult the poor thing?  :rofl:

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I think we should leave the Daily Mail alone.


No, seriously.


Just because it's an anti-Semite, rabble rousing, fascist supporting, Islamophobic, xenophobic, little-Englander, smug, poisonous, vitriolic piece of an excuse for toilet paper, why should we insult the poor thing?  :rofl:


Replace ......little Englander.......with ...little Scot, little Paddy, oh little Taffy, in the above text would be seen as offensive by those named......I am Warwicksgire born and bred with a relatively rare surname going back to the 12th century......I am English and proud of it.

Why is England and the English seen in this way by the left?........they seem to forget, the wonderful language they speak and the amazing laws and parliament ( started right here in Kenilworth Castle after the siege of Kenilworth 1266).

KOBIONE knows that I proudly fly the Cross of St George in my front garden....

The Welsh fly their Dragons, the Scots their Saltire.........

I find your comments and opinions on what is an honest newspaper very offensive.......if you refuse to read it then you don't know what is in it....only the propoganda spread by, probably the Socialist Workers Party.

Please, if you are strongly to the left, or any other way, please don't ram your thoughts, opinions and politics down other people's throats,

Please , please , keep politics and political opinions and bias out of TIPF........A GENUINE PLEA.

I felt like not responding at all, but this is a friendly Photography a Forum.......exchange opinions about photography and processing, have a joke, be philosophical, ENJOY! ;-)

Call me an old fart if you will........remember that some people might have different ideas and thoughts to your own.....respect that.


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 please don't ram your thoughts, opinions and politics down other people's throats,


....remember that some people might have different ideas and thoughts to your own.....respect that.



above are two lines from your own post that in my opinion I feel you are stating but not applying yourself.


we all have different views and some people would frame every copy of the daily mail where as others would prefer to cut it into little squares and hang it in the outside karsi however one persons right to say it is a rubbish paper that no one should read has the same merit as your right to say that if you dont read it you shouldn't comment on it


can we please now return to iphone 6 pictures which is what the thread is about :) 

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above are two lines from your own post that in my opinion I feel you are stating but not applying yourself.


we all have different views and some people would frame every copy of the daily mail where as others would prefer to cut it into little squares and hang it in the outside karsi however one persons right to say it is a rubbish paper that no one should read has the same merit as your right to say that if you dont read it you shouldn't comment on it


can we please now return to iphone 6 pictures which is what the thread is about :)

Richard, Korky, Chris,

Please, look right back through my thousands of posts and comments to TIPF, you will find almost no reference to politics, religion or newspapers until very recently, when ( very sadly) unnecessary bias loomed.

I belong to a generation that witnessed first hand the threat of the Jackboot, then later the Soviet Cold War, I don't and won't force Any Political propaganda on to any other, I heard and read Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw and their cronies do that.

I joined TIPF during retirement, have loved every minute of it, when it was in the doldrums a couple of years ago, just a few of us kept it going with regular posts, chit chat, comments, tuition, guidance, friendly banter, silly stories......the recent surge in members has been wonderful, so many talented photographers, my online friends.

If I were of a certain type I could spit my dummy out of the pram ( thanks for that phrase Leon ;-) then vanish off the scene in a huff......but, no.......I'm stronger than that that.

What the heck does it matter what anybody reads? Whether it be the Dandy,the Beano or Comic Cuts?

If politics, nationalism, religion or any other ism is your bag, then join the relevant forum to argue or discuss there.

I find it very sad and upsetting that this should happen during and just after the amazing visit of our lovely Dee, a true ambassador of friendship.

Perhaps I'm out of touch, so should hang up my camera's, settle in my armchair under a rug, moggy on my lap with a mug of Horlick's?


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no need to hang up the camera's or cuddle the moggy (unless you want too, but lets not start the moggy v doggy thing again). I know you never post politics , religion etc and I appreciate that you were forced into national service in case you were needed to carry out the work of others in protecting everything that makes this country great, things like free speech etc. Anyone is free to tell you not to read any paper and you are free to completely ignore them and read any paper you like and all because our ancestors won that right through  their sacrifices in the two wars. no one has been offensive and no one has forced anyone to do anything, as always we have had some light hearted banter about what papers you should and shouldn't read, personally I haven't bought a newspaper in years as most of them are full of rubbish.

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no need to hang up the camera's or cuddle the moggy (unless you want too, but lets not start the moggy v doggy thing again). I know you never post politics , religion etc and I appreciate that you were forced into national service in case you were needed to carry out the work of others in protecting everything that makes this country great, things like free speech etc. Anyone is free to tell you not to read any paper and you are free to completely ignore them and read any paper you like and all because our ancestors won that right through  their sacrifices in the two wars. no one has been offensive and no one has forced anyone to do anything, as always we have had some light hearted banter about what papers you should and shouldn't read, personally I haven't bought a newspaper in years as most of them are full of rubbish.


I tend to agree. Fuji, I mean absolutely no offence to you, and what you read and your politics are your own privilege and right of course.


But just to make one final remark about the Daily Mail, and why I single them out from other "comics" like The Sun, The Mirror, etc. They are owned by the Northcliff dynasty, a particularly unpleasant group. In the early 1900s The Mail was frequently anti-Semitic, in the 1930s they supported Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirt fascists, and no-one could argue about their current virulent Islamophobia. Add to that their populist rousing against asylum seekers, welfare claimants, and the like, and you have an organ that actually undermines our beautiful nation, and spreads poison among decent ordinary people. I would never ever agree with The Daily Telegraph, but that's purely a political difference; I can see that they are a very reputable newspaper. 


I didn't want to drag politics into TIPF, and I don't want to extend this harangue any further, but I did want to explain why The Daily Mail is, and always has been, such a poisonous rag. No offence!

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