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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Chaos 8

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Went out last night to a local bands album launch - not really my type of music but a good friend is the keyboard player so I thought I'd show support.


Kind of difficult to describe but imagine punk with a synth.


Didn't know what to expect and didn't want to get in the way with a camera so iPhone it was. I will go to another gig as the official photographer and do it properly but you know what - these ain't bad for a mobile phone.





According to FB this link should be viewable even without an account:



'' data-width='500'>


'' target='_blank' class='ipsType_small'> 11c1e99e89ded0d70c0932c91b1c9b01




Got a Vimeo Link now:



They were very - and I mean VERY - loud.

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Do folk really pay to listen to that?

Dont get me wrong, I have a very broad taste in music....( Opera, Folk, Jazz, Rock including Silver Machine, and Debbie Harry ;-) .....but, it strikes me listening to this, and to very young bands at an outdoor event very close to our house recently......

If you have a set of drums, beat them very LOUDLY whilst someone is SHOUTING........you are making music??

Or......or.......am I long, long, past my sell by date?

Great pics though Robin.


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Do folk really pay to listen to that?

Dont get me wrong, I have a very broad taste in music....( Opera, Folk, Jazz, Rock including Silver Machine, and Debbie Harry ;-) .....but, it strikes me listening to this, and to very young bands at an outdoor event very close to our house recently......

If you have a set of drums, beat them very LOUDLY whilst someone is SHOUTING........you are making music??

Or......or.......am I long, long, past my sell by date?

Great pics though Robin.



Interesting that you include Hawkwind in that list, Fuji! However, I too can't see the attraction of punk, and I think the Sex Pistols are the most overhyped band in the history of popular music. Classic rock is tuned to my own sell-by date, and I think there's very little relevance in any rock post-Smiths. 


You've included opera in your list, which is my main 'blind spot'. I suspect I would enjoy it more if it wasn't for the dreadful 'hit and miss' wobbly singing of its stars, a style only introduced in the early 20th Century I understand (opera must have been at least bearable before that). I do like a certain purity of vocal delivery, a la Emma Kirkby who is a joy to listen to (she sings a lot of early music, 16th Century onwards). Yes, it's definitely the style of singing is why I hate opera.

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Haha - if you were include Sparks' "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us", Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody", Focus's "Hocus Pocus", and The Who's "Tommy" as opera, then I'll go along with that :lol:


(I can't make a judgement about the above, because as I'm typing, we're nearly 3 minutes in and he's STILL talking!!


Oh at long long last, they've started the song).

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