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Fungi ....


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Its an ear possably jelly used to be known as jews PC probably changed it





about ten images down Jews ear fungus  found on beech trees

Tree fungus - Jelly Ear'' target='_blank'>Tree fungus - Jelly Ear>Tree fungus - Jelly Ear




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The Jew's Ear Fungus, we have locally are small, dark purply grown, jelly- like ears, but never as big as in Annie's shot.......they go for Elder trees here.

I have posted shots of them on here.

There may be different varieties of the species though?

Fascinating subject......Fungi!


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It's a Fungus....nit a Fungi, so I got me knuckles rapped for that..tut!


And yes it is Auricularia auricula-judae ...... 


That means it is Jews Ear or sometimes it's called Jelly Ear......and it seems edible, though I am not about to try it! 


So Fuji and Fuzzy were correct..thanks guys for your help..

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