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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



More Dipper shots.


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Low lighting and high iso don't really make for good images, but these and the shots I posted previously are the only Dipper shots I've ever managed to take, I therefore have to be pleased as Dippers are not exactly a bird seen every day like garden birds.... plus the fact that I set out last Sunday to look for them after seeing the shots posted by Paul.






VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sbm8wwzlvq52s0j/MVI_8770.MOV


Canon EOS 60D, Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM

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I was walking up and down the stream for about six hours, I took 48 shots, but obviously not all are keepers. I also shot a short video which I posted in my other post on Sunday. Most of the shots were taken when I was hiding behind a tree that had been sawn off low down and had grown new branches and I held the camera so that the lens was between two of those branches. I watched the Dippers taking food to the nest which was well hidden under a bridge.

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For some reason the video clip is of poor quality and nothing like the clip on my computer, could it be because I uploaded it when I was on a very slow line at my guess house in Pembrokeshire. The clip is only 21 secs long and took 39 minutes to upload to Dropbox.

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For some reason the video clip is of poor quality and nothing like the clip on my computer, could it be because I uploaded it when I was on a very slow line at my guess house in Pembrokeshire. The clip is only 21 secs long and took 39 minutes to upload to Dropbox.


One of the things you can do is vary the upload speed to Dropbox - there's a setting which essentially 'caps' the upload speed but you can override it to use all your bandwidth.

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One of the things you can do is vary the upload speed to Dropbox - there's a setting which essentially 'caps' the upload speed but you can override it to use all your bandwidth.


I can see basic uploader & advanced uploader, is this what you are referring to Chris?

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It's in the Preferences - click the Network tab, and where it gives the Download and Upload rates, click the 'Don't limit' options, which means it will compete for bandwidth with whatever else you're using at the time, e.g. browser, email, etc. Or, you can raise its default cap (upload rate is 10 kbps!!) to something higher, more suitable to your needs and available speeds.

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Chris... do you pay to use Dropbox and have more features?  I'm only using the free version and there doesn't appear to be a network tab in preferences.


No, I've got the free version. There are 4 tabs in Preferences - General, Account, Import, and Network (I get to the Preferences by clicking on the 'gear wheel' bottom right of the menu icon's drop down menu. Oh, I've also just seen that my version is 2.6.25, but I'm sure the option to change bandwidth was in my earlier version too.

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I give up Chris... my version must be different to yours.... :wallbash:


My preferences.




Oh, I see what's going on. You're looking at your Account Settings online (I have a similar screen below, that comes up when I'm online). I was talking about the Preferences for the app that sits on your own computer. I have an icon in the top menu bar but I can't see anything similar in your Taskbar. Perhaps the Windows Dropbox doesn't have a permanent icon that shows you the status of sync'ing and uploads? At any rate, if you can find the app on your computer and open its Preferences, you should find what I'm talking about in there.



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Interesting - how are you making Dropbox work if you don't have the app?


Chris... I just login to Dropbox, the buttons at the top just right of centre are for creating a new folder (second from left) and uploading files is the left button.



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Chris... I just login to Dropbox, the buttons at the top just right of centre are for creating a new folder (second from left) and uploading files is the left button.


attachicon.gifHome - Dropbox - Mozilla Firefox 2014-04-18 19.44.26.jpg


But you do have a Dropbox folder on your computer that automatically uploads anything you place in it? (That's what I thought the whole point of it was! - that and synchronising your data between multiple devices..)

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But you do have a Dropbox folder on your computer that automatically uploads anything you place in it? (That's what I thought the whole point of it was! - that and synchronising your data between multiple devices..)

 I have the folder now but only since you told me about the app, before I just uploaded direct to Dropbox myself.

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 I have the folder now but only since you told me about the app, before I just uploaded direct to Dropbox myself.


You'll find it a lot less work now - once you've decided what folders to have in your online Dropbox, you just drop them in the Dropbox folder on your computer/devices, and away they go! As long as you have Dropbox on other devices too, the latest version of any document you upload will automatically be downloaded to the Dropbox folder on your other devices. It's a really neat system.

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I've put it on my laptop now as well, I don't think I will ever be prepared to pay $9.99 a month though. When I reach my free allowance of 2.25GB I'll just delete some old stuff.


Tip : each time someone else uses Dropbox as a result of your recommendation they'll give you a bit more space (250MB I think, or maybe even 500MB?). I'm up to 3.2 GB already, and not even half of that is used. Mind you, none of my iPhoto or iTunes Libraries are in Dropbox! But small pictures e.g. from Facebook, plus all my personal documents - WP, databases, spreadsheets, etc, and my address book, browser history and bookmarks, that sort of thing.


Plus, of course, you can use its Public subfolder to upload stuff you want to share with other people - what you put in there generates a unique URL which you can then hand out to the people you want to share the item(s) with.

Dropbox is a great idea - Apple's iCloud has been around a few years now, but it hasn't managed to kill off Dropbox which is platform-independent anyway.

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