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Going to a do...ugh!

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Tonight I have to go to a friend birthday do. Normally I wriggle out of these things, but hubby has put his foot down on this one. I thought I may take a camera to amuse myself with. It will be dingy no doubt, with a flipping group playing....so I need some help...


What camera should I use..the canon or a bridge?


If it's the canon what lens, 18-5omm or the 50mm or the 70-300? 


Should I be using flash?


And what settings should I be looking at?


Any advice would be welcome...

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I don't like using flash at this sort of event. I much prefer to put on my 35mm f1.8, bump up the iso and sneak around undetected getting candid shots.

Ok...no flash...but I don't have a 35 mm Martyn..now what?

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THe 70-300 will be too heavy to lug around....I know, I made that mistake myself:


A shorter zoom such as a 18-70 might be better....but whatever lens, except for a few....Forget the flash..........Up your iSO levels use the apeture as wide as possible..........dont worry about the pic nise levels ......


use them for grainy, moody mono studies....or use software to smooth things out afterwards.


Just sit back, enjoy the party, whilst becoming invisible to the crowd as you take sme of the best candids ever.


Cant wait to see the results!




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I know what you mean John...but I need some form of entertainment while I am there...I hate going to such things, last 'do' I went to was ten years ago..and I was so bored...! 


Annie... you are so much like me... I would hate it too... I'm so much happier with my head in the weeds looking for bugs... :yes .. :rofl:

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THe 70-300 will be too heavy to lug around....I know, I made that mistake myself:


A shorter zoom such as a 18-70 might be better....but whatever lens, except for a few....Forget the flash..........Up your iSO levels use the apeture as wide as possible..........dont worry about the pic nise levels ......


use them for grainy, moody mono studies....or use software to smooth things out afterwards.


Just sit back, enjoy the party, whilst becoming invisible to the crowd as you take sme of the best candids ever.


Cant wait to see the results!




No 18-70 either...so it has to be the 18-50 or the 50...decisions !

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....... Normally I wriggle out of these things, but hubby has put his foot down on this one. I thought I may take a camera to amuse myself with. It will be dingy no doubt, with a flipping group playing....so I need some help...


I know exactly how you feel Annie. I've got to go to a wedding today and the party this evening, the missus won't let me duck out of this one on account of it's my daughter. I'm sat here surrounded by bridesmaids having their hair and makeup done.

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Annie... you are so much like me... I would hate it too... I'm so much happier with my head in the weeds looking for bugs... :yes .. :rofl:


Brian Is being punished for this John..don't fear...Tomorrow he has to take me out to a place of my choice..I am thinking of the Cambridge Botanical Gardens..I am sure he will love that...not!

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I know exactly how you feel Annie. I've got to go to a wedding today and the party this evening, the missus won't let me duck out of this one on account of it's my daughter. I'm sat here surrounded by bridesmaids having their hair and makeup done.

lol Martyn...Knowing me I would still have a good go at getting out of it..then sulk through the whole event because I could'nt..have a good day Martyn and I hope your daughters day goes wonderfully..


Ok..I shall take those two lens, as you say they are both small enough for a 'handbag'....I must have a handbag somewhere..!

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