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Extension Tubes.

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My cheapy Extension tubes arrived today, got M42 ones to use with my old manual f2.8 50mm lens, didn't want to splash out loads of money as i'm not sure how much use they will get. If I like them I'll ask my good lady wife for some for my Birthday in May :)


I am going to keep adding to this thread instead of setting loads up, so keep watching this space.... (none tonight as I left it on my desk at bork :( )

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Looking forward to your pics.
?I found it pretty hard with the 35mm lens as you have to get in very close, so I think I am going to try the 55-200 zoom on Fuzzy's advice.
I was going to have another go today but was so shattered after a bad night, that I got my work done and just lounged around this afternoon. 
I've taken my folding table and butterfly led lamp upstairs, and will sort mini tripod etc out and take them up too, so everything will be up there, as I think getting everything together before practice puts me off getting motivated.

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both taken on 50mm lenses, the tubes with the manual Zeiss 2.8 the other with the nifty 50 so not an exact science but you get the idea, 2,8 was at ISO 800 the other at 200 so a big difference.








the 2nd is with the Raynox 250, as you can see the DOF is better and the tubes are much easier to use :)

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IMHO both shots would benefit from the end of the nib being the focal point, more light or adjusted white balance so the white background is white oh and stop eating biscuits whilst doing it the crumbs are getting in the shot lol :) 

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In Photoshop go to IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > COLOR BALANCE. You'll see a box with three sliders.


To change color temperature simply the Cyan/Red slider one way and the Yellow/Blue slider an equal amount the other way. Just do it until it looks right.


To change Green/Magenta bias with fluorescent lighting move the Green/Magenta slider until it looks right.


Save your image as you please and you're done. Advanced users would do this in an adjustment layer.


Hope that helps.



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No Nanny


I only bought the basic ones as I wasn't sure I'd use them, no patience really the bug shots I get are ok so they are a trial really, If I get to grips with them I may get some proper ones, and the Zeiss lens has manual aperture so lighting is a little easier with it..

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Leon - if you are just looking to reduce a yellow cast try using 'match colour' tick the 'neutralize' box and slide the fader over too the right to suit.


and does your Canon have 'Live View' and do you use it on this kind of photography?



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thanks Colin.


I'll try your tips later, the one paul mentioned above did not seem to work, maybe my dumb head..... and yes the baby Canon does have "live view" but I rarely use it, 


this really was just a comparison on how a simple steel tube can improve Macro images, May sell the Raynox to pay for a set of decent tubes for the normal lenses if I can get to grips with it.


thanks for the replies, sorry I got a bit stroppy :)

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Leon -  the reason I mention live view is you might find it very helpful to use.


Assuming your camera is on a tripod try shooting using live view with the camera set to manual focus, use the view finder/live view to zoom in on the point of focus then adjust using the lens focus ring.

As you can really see and zoom onto whatever you want you should find this method easier to get the focus point exactly where you want it - give it try I think you'll find it worth it.

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