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One Night With Elvis

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We had a brilliant night out as a 70th Birthday treat from my two daughters.
I have been an Elvis fan since I was about 14 and my daughters wanted to give me something special so they bought John and myself tickets to see Lee Merr singing Elvis songs at the Belgrade theatre.


No photographs allowed but I got a sneaky few with my trusty Olympus compact hung around my neck underneath my jacket.
Tried a couple on the Intelligent setting and they were rubbish so I changed to Program and under-exposed by 1 stop.
I was quite pleased considering the distance.

It was a show well worth seeing as I have never heard anyone singing Elvis songs as good as he did. He put his heart and soul into his performance, if anyone gets a chance if he comes to their area, I can fully recommend his show

The show is called "One Night With Elvis" as the title.










Just cropped, straightened and cooled with Auto colour in Picasa.

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I think the pale makeup at the beginning was a bit over done when he portrayed the younger Elvis. As it wore off a bit though, he did look a bit more like Elvis,, but once you heard him you didn't really take notice of what he looked like.

I can't understand why you can't take photo's in a theatre if it's with no flash and only for private viewing.
I suspect there were a few others who got pics when they could..
I am a bit naughty because I am a bit of a rebel at times.  :yes  :lol:

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I think the pale makeup at the beginning was a bit over done when he portrayed the younger Elvis. As it wore off a bit though, he did look a bit more like Elvis,, but once you heard him you didn't really take notice of what he looked like.

I can't understand why you can't take photo's in a theatre if it's with no flash and only for private viewing.

I suspect there were a few others who got pics when they could..

I am a bit naughty because I am a bit of a rebel at times.  :yes  :lol:


It's the same with rock concerts - the promoters don't know it's "only for private viewing" and they've usually sold the exclusive rights for photography and video. Gone are the days when...




A completely new and unpublished photograph of Ian Dury when he played at Birmingham Students Union in 1976. No doubt I could make money from it to his army of fans - that's what promoters are trying to prevent.

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I know, Chris.

We went to an exhibition and museum once and they let you take photo's after signing a declaration to say that you won't publish the pics and getting a sticker to go put the camera.
I told them that I may put them on a forum and they were fine about it.
I wish they would do this with concerts too. 


Oh dear, did you have to put that shot on. That song "Hit me with your rythym stick" is already going around in my head. Aaaaaaaaaaah!

Brilliant pick though.

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I know, Chris.

We went to an exhibition and museum once and they let you take photo's after signing a declaration to say that you won't publish the pics and getting a sticker to go put the camera.

I told them that I may put them on a forum and they were fine about it.

I wish they would do this with concerts too. 


Oh dear, did you have to put that shot on. That song "Hit me with your rythym stick" is already going around in my head. Aaaaaaaaaaah!

Brilliant pick though.


Oh, that's one of my favourites! However, if you don't agree, I can replace it for you, right here, right now...


Reasons to be cheerful, parts 1, 2, 3


The juice of the carrot, the smile of the parrot

A little drop of claret - anything that rocks

Elvis and Scotty, days when I ain't spotty,

Sitting on the potty - curing smallpox

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

1 2 3

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

Health service glasses

Gigolos and brasses

round or skinny bottoms

Take your mum to Paris

lighting up the chalice

Wee Willy Harris

Bantu Stephen Biko, listening to Rico

Harpo, Groucho, Chico

Cheddar cheese and pickle, the Vincent motorsickle

Slap and tickle

Woody Allen, Dali, Dimitri and Pasquale

balabalabala and Volare

Something nice to study, phoning up a buddy

Being in my nuddy

Saying hokey-dokey, Sing Along With Smokey

Coming out of chokey

John Coltrane's soprano, Adi Celentano

Bonar Colleano

Reasons to be cheerful part 3

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