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Meet Jake

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My daughter adopted him from the dog Rescue in Kenilworth (where Fuji lives) today after going to meet him a couple of times and then passing the house and garden check.

After the sad times she had over the couple of years. losing her husband and her old dog a couple of months later, she decided that she was ready to adopt another dog and saw Jake and fell in love with him.
He is about 8 years old and blind. He was found as a stray in Ireland and transferred here.

He immediately made himself at home and had great fun exploring the bungalow, My granddaughter is in Spain so he too advantage and tried out her bed amongst other things.

John and myself went with Caroline to fetch him home as she had to have someone in the car in case he played up while she was driving.
We will also be looking after him when she is on holiday so that was another good reason for us going.

He was a little angel and sat on my knee all the way back.
Here is a little dog who will have a wonderful home and love for the rest of his life. He has just got to get to know the cats now and visa versa.


Caroline with Jake.



He wasn't camera shy, but was so excited to be in his new forever home that I had  loads of streaky photo's of him.

He had been adopted before and was taken back after only a few weeks because he was too lively






Testing Jades bed.



Getting more confident.


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He's certainly finding his way around alright. When my daughter rang, sshe said that he has already tried to grab the cats, but being a bungalow she has gates up so that she can keep them seperate until they get to know each other properly.
I have suggested bitter apple on the cats to put Jake off for the time being.
She will find a way around it, as she is like me and will persavere, apart from that, he is brilliant with people and has already claimed Carolines bed.

He slept cuddled up to her all night. lol.

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Lovely to see some one adopting an older dog,although I don't think eight is very old in JRT terms if he is anything like our JRT  he will have plenty of years left, she is just turned 16 this month, has very little sight, deaf as a post but can still give the postie a run for his money :)

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My uncles JR lived until he was 23 and was in quite good health until his age finally took over, Barbara, so I know what you mean.

The last dog that Caroline adopted was 12. she has him about three years so he had his last few years being loved


Beth, he is a happy little thing and already loves Caroline to bits.  She is having a week off work to help him to settle in and see how how he and the cats adjust.

It just about broke my heart to hear all of the other dogs barking when we went with her to pick him up.

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He is sweet, but I think we are going to have to watch him with the ferrets when he comes for his holidays.
Caroline brought him up today and he was very inquisitive about them, even though I had kept them win the cages while he was here.
We have looked after other family dogs so already have a routine and will have playtimes while he is out of the room.
There will be the normal board across the living room door to keep the ferrets in and will have a stair gate a couple of feet away from the living room door as well. 

He will be allowed in the room when the ferrets have been put to bed.

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