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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Reclaiming for nature


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Hi Van ...  I  do keep coming back to this one, I'll be honest,  because I can't quite make up my mind about  it .... I  like the idea  of nature reclaiming  both  the remnants of life and the edifices that record it   but just feel some element is missing.... I  wonder if I would prefer to see the green of nature doing it's work rather than the mono ... hmmm.. still undecided  about that ...and  whether I  would have liked a greater  difference  between what is in focus and that which  isn't....  It feels a bit like a really good culinary dish ... that for my taste just need a bit of salt .. or pepper ...   It is just my take on it  though ... I  like it ... but can't quite put my finger  on  what is missing for me ...:)

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21 minutes ago, Clicker said:

Hi Van ...  I  do keep coming back to this one, I'll be honest,  because I can't quite make up my mind about  it .... I  like the idea  of nature reclaiming  both  the remnants of life and the edifices that record it   but just feel some element is missing.... I  wonder if I would prefer to see the green of nature doing it's work rather than the mono ... hmmm.. still undecided  about that ...and  whether I  would have liked a greater  difference  between what is in focus and that which  isn't....  It feels a bit like a really good culinary dish ... that for my taste just need a bit of salt .. or pepper ...   It is just my take on it  though ... I  like it ... but can't quite put my finger <sodemoji.1f449> </sodemoji.1f449>

 Someone else’s interpretation is always interesting, as I find it makes you think from a different angle on your image. Maybe see something that I hadn’t thought about at the time. Thanks for the feedback.

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Maybe  it could benefit  with a  touch of a graduated neutral density filter  to give a bit more contrast  to the mid tones ... Do you use Nik collection of filters either in PHOTOSHOP  or as a stand alone filter ?... Under the Colour Efex Pro 4  group is a good graduated density filter that I  use a lot ... just a thought . It's  never easy to say things which don't always sound positive when  talking about someone else's work  so thanks for your   response to mine Van ... I had a hard hat on just in case .... :132_construction_worker::10_wink:

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6 hours ago, Clicker said:

Maybe  it could benefit  with a  touch of a graduated neutral density filter  to give a bit more contrast  to the mid tones ... Do you use Nik collection of filters either in PHOTOSHOP  or as a stand alone filter ?... Under the Colour Efex Pro 4  group is a good graduated density filter that I  use a lot ... just a thought . It's  never easy to say things which don't always sound positive when  talking about someone else's work  so thanks for your   response to mine Van ... I had a hard hat on just in case .... :132_construction_worker::10_wink:

i have no problem taking constructive  criticism. and as this is a forum that is friendly, I'll happily take constructive  criticism in the spirit it was intended . so put your hard hat away, you wont be needing it lol


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