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The Iphone X


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I was asked today about the new iPhone X.
Not knowing very much bout it i watched something on YouTube how the iPhone X will eliminate the need for a DSLR.

After I stopped laughing...
Yeah the IPhone or most newer phones are convenient but it's all digital zooming and digital apps to do things. 
It certainly has hit point and shoot cameras and in many ways made them obsolete.
But.... No way in any way a DSLR. (in my opionion)

Also again in my opinion it doesn't come anywhere near the quality of an optical lens, along with countless lists of other things too.

It just makes me laugh....

It will be interesting what other members of the group think?

By the way... In no way am I knocking the iPhone or any modem day phone cameras. They are a great tool in many many ways and in the right hands can record some stunning images. But I personally don't think they come anywhere near the quality of a DSLR or Mirrorless camera.


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Hi Dingo,

Exactly I agree with you about what Kodak said.
But I feel the only real difference is the way the image is recorded from film to card, not the way the camera fundamentally functions itself?

I still feel that the modem day phone cameras doesn't come close to a DSLR?

It just makes me smile when I hear people say oh the new IPhone is as good if not better than a DSLR?
I wonder how many of these people would accept a photographer turning up at their wedding for example with nothing but an IPhone?

Craig :14_relaxed:



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Looking at this in the cold light of day....

I guess you could get fabulous photographs of a wedding from a smart phone Camera ....and/or exceptionally poor ones from the most expensive DSLR.....it all depends upon the photographer.....a Camera is only a tool.


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Yep its only a tool I totally agree.
But... I have yet to speak to any professional wedding or portrait photographer who would dump their gear for a phone camera?
I wouldn't like to shoot a wedding with digital zoom or try and shoot anything in low light inside a church at any distance for a wedding?


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Mirrorless is definitely the future I'm sure of it.
What the problem is with Canon and Nikon is that they have invested so much in their DSLRs to make a series of Mirrorless will set them right back especially when you look at Sony?
But they will have to take the plunge properly sooner or later?

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I approach my photography in the same way regardless of the camera I have in my hands at the time - basically - I capture an image with an end result in mind.

I might be out with me Fuji X System where it will be set to raw knowing I have total control over every aspect from setting the shutter speed, aperture, iso, WB and focal length etc to manipulating the file on my Mac. I might have my iPhone with me where it will be set to raw knowing I have total control over every aspect from setting the shutter speed, iso, WB and focal length etc to manipulating the file on my Mac. I might be using a film body where I will choose a format, an emulsion, shutter speed, aperture, focal length and once it is scanned I'll process it on my Mac. I might grab a pin hole camera, choose a film, take a random guess at a shutter speed and having hoped for the best get the film processed and then work on the files with my Mac.

What I will NEVER DO is dismiss ANY camera as being inferior.

People (not photographers because they are anything but) who think their particular choice of camera or format is better are narrow minded, locked in the past, creatively stunted and hopefully soon to be extinct as frankly they have no place in the modern world. 

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