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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Please note  there is an important notice to read regarding the future of this site ... see link below :-


Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 




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Every five or six weeks I travel into Leamington Spa on the bus to get my mop cut.

As you can see from these, last time was a pretty wet jaunt.....

You may wonder about the grainy processing chosen for these studies, the first was taken through the grimy windows of a moving bus, so it was the best I could do in the circumstances. I just couldn't miss taking a shot of that very forlorn looking figure with a beard and wearing shorts and large boots........I felt very sorry for him as he stood in a doorway sheltering from the rain.

The lady scoffing cakes was alongside me at the bus stop as we too were sheltering under a shop-front.......my little LX5 wet day camera, doesn't quite produce the goods, hence my deliberate gritty processing;



SNACK TIME Grainy Mono.jpg

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