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this will cause a debate...

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He is funny. Take a look at his images. Straight out of camera? Just makes use of Lightroom? Hmmmm, perhaps some but others? I think not.  Some good images though.

Whitby looks good in the video.   :)  

Edited by kev7d
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A SPOT ON VIDEO Leon......

He is dead right , for those who want to make a living from  being a fully Professional Photographer, just like you would need a joiner, a decorator or a plumber to have gone through an apprenticeship to master his craft.

But, there is also room for the Creative/Free Thinking Artistic beings who use their particular camera and creative skills combined, to produce incredible images, using WHATEVER light, flash, reflector, mirror, ambient or .......dread the thought......effects found in software or filters.......

Most of you know that I just don't do numbers, it frustrates the hell out of my ex-pro photographer  mates......... No matter how I try.....sometimes Aperture, Shutter Speed and  Depth of Field can totally and utterly confuse me.....so....how do I create the photographs that I do?

By liking what I see in the viewfinder, or using my innate skills as an `artist to tease out the best from a shot, using whatever means possible......Street Photography, my preferred genre doesn't use artificial lights or flash.....I am there to......Catch The Moment......no time for tripods, floods or spots, or even a reflector.

My love of Macro Photography has forced me to tackle then to understand flash and diffusion,  never mind a stacking multiple images, or, using the narrow depth of field creatively. 

I use Photosop CS6 and TOPAZ Filters to do only what is essential to bring out the best from my RAW originals......then, on occasions I go completely off beam to experiment, much to Black Pearl's disgust ?

My advice.....Do what he says, but keep a very open mind to ANY AND ALL PHOTOGRAPHY.........most of all......Enjoy ~life!



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1 hour ago, JHFoto said:

I am sure he is a clever guy but I got bored after 7 minutes...........

go look at some of his URBEX (urban exploration) shoots... I follow Jason closely, love his stuff....

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2 hours ago, kev7d said:

He is funny. Take a look at his images. Straight out of camera? Just makes use of Lightroom? Hmmmm, perhaps some but others? I think not.  Some good images though.

Whitby looks good in the video.   :)  

I'd love to meet him and watch what he does with his editing... I'm sure linked to his lightroom is a HDR button? other than that he is really good.. 

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I have had a look at his site. Some of it is good and some not my cup of tea. I just think his video decrying everyone else and promoting himself is a little rich. Particularly when he is not quite being transparent about how he uses more than "just out of camera" on his work. Not for me. :) But that's ok. ?? For me this is a hobby that brings me a lot of satisfaction and fun. He keeps banging on about making money. That's ok but it don't interest me. :) 

Edited by kev7d
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Well he may be singing his own songs, talking money, so be it, but most of what he says is absolutely true. 

His title is "Losing the Art Of Photography" and how he describes that I think is spot one.

Just my thoughts on it.


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He makes a couple of really good points I agree with (but did it need 25 minutes to make them?) - in so far as "in camera" is not the same as "heavily post processed". But one is not superior to the other.

And, it's hardly a new debate. I doubt you could get two more different photographers in terms of approach, technique and what they were trying to achieve, than Henri Cartier-Bresson and Ansel Adams. You could have sparked a debate at that time on "which of them are truer photographers?" 

But, everyone who aspires to be a photographer should learn the basics, especially light. That I do agree with.

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Crickey he's full of himself ain't he.

I often hear people use the excuse " oh my images are straight from the camera with no editing" as if it is a sin to use Lightroom, etc. What they actually mean is I can't be arsed to learn how to edit or spend time doing it - which is fine if you just want photography as a hobby. 

I think this guy needs to look back at where he came from sadly not everyone has the opportunity to go to college, be able to access the kind of equipment he talks about (nice LED light but I can't afford one) many of us learn as we go along, we improve, we try different things.

Personally I honestly believe you should have basic skills in Lightroom or Photoshop and learn along with the camera settings which will help you get more out of an image without having to afford expensive equipment.





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Fell asleep 

This is from his write up 
 World traveled, award winning Sony Artisan of Imagery

Note the word IMAGERY not photography imagery this include anything you see however it was created, straight out of the camera, straight out of the computer or straight off the end of an artists brush 


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Sony Artisan of Imagery???????? Absolute pretentious bloody piffle on a par with the Adobe Photoshop Evangelists and the Lumix Ambassadors. I'll stick to being a geezer with a camera.

Just because some jerk makes a video and posts it on YewChoob, it doesn't mean his opinions are valid or worthwhile.

I'm pretty sure someone once said that 'opinions are like bumholes, everybody has one'.

Mine? Make images with whatever you have at your disposal - and don't give a sod about anyone who tries to denigrate your work or your skills by spouting pretentious tosh on da Toob.


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I agree with everyone being entitled to an opinion.

I also agree that he is a bit up himself  and yes he get's paid far too much by Sony. I also think his photography is brilliant, and the subject of the video is much what I feel.

I do very little editing  (sat waiting for the barrage of comments on that bit) I always try and get it right in camera then tweak a little bit. then again IF I had the slightest idea on how to use lightroom I probably would use it for some stuff.

I appreciate it's MY OPINION and I also appreciate BP and Colin's help when I have needed it to rescue files.

but for now I'll stick with tweaking using the software that came with the 1100D :) 

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Leon, its very good practice to try and get it right or at least as close as in the camera, so your not wrong there. PP software can rescue most things to a degree but if you have a very good image to start with then that's more than half the battle.

Its all about us producing images, and if you are happy and enjoy what you produce using your method then that's fine, no one will knock you for that.

I also have no problem in how people go about producing their images.




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