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Mono or Colour


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I can see where Colin is coming from ..but ... I don't mind it in the mono...as it is...but in the coloured version , for some reason the rivets on what looks like a woven hammock  are distracting from what is a really thoughtful ( no pun intended  ) study. Reminds me a bit of  Rodin's  Thinker too ...:happy:

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1 hour ago, Judy said:

I'm with Colin and Polly about the crop, Mitch - maybe crop to just above the lower rivet. I'm fond of the square format and wonder if you might go back to the originsl and crop as a 1:1. I also like the mono version best. - and it is reminiscent of the Thinker, as Polly says.

I do like the pose - you do have a way with animals!

Not sure I would say i have a way with animals lol ...just see things differently to how a landscape or portrait photographer would I guess lol..... will try the square crop and see how it looks....will be sunday now though before you get the results LOL

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4 hours ago, Clicker said:

I can see where Colin is coming from ..but ... I don't mind it in the mono...as it is...but in the coloured version , for some reason the rivets on what looks like a woven hammock  are distracting from what is a really thoughtful ( no pun intended  ) study. Reminds me a bit of  Rodin's  Thinker too ...:happy:

He does look deep in thought....I quite like the rivets even put a few in when i removed the post that was in the way lololol  if i remember will send you the original on sunday lol

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Aha .. It is the top two rivets that  i find distracting .... maybe  make them less shiny and obvious ... it might  help in the colour one  ... just my opinion  though ... yes ... you do  catch animals in very  interesting poses  Mitch ... I do like this one though ...

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What I love about this forum is the varied opinions and each valid in their own right .....Just proves what I have always thought, photography is subjective, one persons pleasure is another persons poison lol

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On 4/15/2016 at 13:02, Judy said:

I'm with Colin and Polly about the crop, Mitch - maybe crop to just above the lower rivet. I'm fond of the square format and wonder if you might go back to the originsl and crop as a 1:1. I also like the mono version best. - and it is reminiscent of the Thinker, as Polly says.

I do like the pose - you do have a way with animals!

Had a play with the crop..Not sure if I am honest....am wondering if more of a landscape crop might be better with the chimp off to the right??


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On 4/15/2016 at 17:38, jtappin said:

Overall, I think I prefer the colour version. But the eyes do come out better in the mono, in the colour version they are very deeply shaded.

Looks like he's wondering what you are doing.

I hear what you are saying about the eyes being shaded.... I try and keep the eyes of animals as shot, the Chimp has quite a heavy brow so you would expect the eyes to be shaded, so if I brightened them like some might for a portrait? I am not certain it would still look natural? Might have a fiddle though for a comparison, nothing ventured nothing gained lol . . . . . I love his expression...he didn't even know I was there, was a grab shot with a long lens, and couldn't have timed it any better as after 3 shots he had moved, but would have to agree, it does look like he is pondering on what I am doing lol

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On 4/15/2016 at 14:18, Clicker said:

Aha .. It is the top two rivets that  i find distracting .... maybe  make them less shiny and obvious ... it might  help in the colour one  ... just my opinion  though ... yes ... you do  catch animals in very  interesting poses  Mitch ... I do like this one though ...

you are a gem Polly and thank you..... the top two rivets are actually one of the other rivets lol, can't remember which one, had to get rid of a pole in the original pic and then re-build the hammock ....LOL I do love a good fettle 

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I still like the mono best ...     It might be interesting trying the landscape  crop with our thinker off to the right ... I  dont have a problem with the original crop mind you ... I just  acknowledged that  I could see why Colin mentioned it ...it maybe would be an orthodox crop  but i like to see things done a bit differently sometimes.. I  like the space below  him.    again ... tis just  my opinion...and what  I like ... you must do what you find most pleasing .  i think its a memorable  study ..

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2 minutes ago, Clicker said:

I still like the mono best ...     It might be interesting trying the landscape  crop with our thinker off to the right ... I  dont have a problem with the original crop mind you ... I just  acknowledged that  I could see why Colin mentioned it ...it maybe would be an orthodox crop  but i like to see things done a bit differently sometimes.. I  like the space below  him.    again ... tis just  my opinion...and what Ilike ... you must do what you find most pleasing .  i think its a memorable  study ..

LoL I am always happy for any input, no such thing as bad input when it comes to photography and unlike some the water runs off my back, I just want to try and make the image as good as it can be, obviously how I have shot it is also a factor and miracles are few and far between lol....I think the landscape with thinker to the right will make for a more dramatic image, just not sure what to do with the pole lol 

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22 hours ago, Judy said:

Hope you don't mind - I've just done a bit of cropping - and a bit of gradient on bottom lright: - see what you think ~

Of course I don't mind...I prefer your crop too lol

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