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right or wrong


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what do you reckon to this then?

I got in touch with some guys who run a drift team, they hav 12 toggers nationwide, the drift scene in the UK is gowing quickly.

there are track popping up all over the place, from old banger tracks to purpose built ones like Birmingham wheels.

some of these toggers were not quick enough posting pictures ect, so they were on the look out for someone from the manchester area just like me.

So I applied.. Nopayment, just good access and exposure across the web via social media, maybe even some pictures in Magazines and websites!!

over a few days I got chatting to the guy (im not bitching so I'll not mention any names) I was asked a few times to list the "gear you own" this worried me a little, 

as most of you know I have basic equipment, pretty much all of it has been purchased 2nd hand, below is the final message from the team photographic editor.

"Morning fella, had a long chat last night with ***** about yourself, come to the decision of we would like to wait till you've got your new camera and got to a few events next year and see what work you come up with if thats okay as i see your static , landscape stuff is awesome but the motion stuff isn't as good as we would like being motorsport is what we do, but i no this is likely to be the camera more than yourself hence we wanna see your stuff with the new camera and go from there. I only joined aw myself a year ago but have raised and set the standard of are work very high but i do i have nearly 5k worth of stuff which helps on quality. Im more than happy to try and help you where possibly if your at events or any questions please feel free to ask Dan p.s a couple of images ive done to show you the standard were aiming for "

I had mentioned that next year I hope to upgrade my camera and buy at least one fast lens.... He said within the conversation " I own 5k of gear"    

one of the photo's below is mine, and one is his example of the quality they need.... can you guess which is my sub standard picture?   he contradicts himself in there too

very frustrating




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6 minutes ago, Richard said:

he needs to learn to spell and I would say the bottom one is yours

is that because it's far superior? ..... or did you see it on Facebook?

6 minutes ago, Ron said:

Well I am guessing number 1 is yours Leon but sounds as if you need to stay well clear of them if that is how they regard you. The guy who replied seems to be full of himself with his 5K of gear and how he has raised the standard, let them get on with it I would say.


cheers Ron, the Bottom one is mine..

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The top one is taken with a panning action which better shows the speed the car is travelling than the bottom one also you can see through the windscreen more clearly.
Both those make it a better shot in my mind

If the people you contacted are going to pay you to be THE ONLY shooter at an event they will want a guaranty you can consistently produce top notch images - I'm not saying you can't do this but the gear you use will be an indication of how well you will cope when things like the elements, light conditions, track position etc may be against you. 

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If you get better access to areas from working with these folks, then I'd seriously consider the idea.  You'd also need to consider things like copyright on the pics (are they yours or theirs), but it will be excellent practice for taking your skills to the next level, especially with a better camera.  It could also be a good 'jump-off' point for getting your photos to a wider audience.

I do hope they use a grammar and spell-checker though, when doing the write-ups for publication winkgrin.gif

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If you hadn't already said I would have chosen the bottom one as yours. Don't beat yourself up over the substandard thing.

Regarding equipment they are probably interested in knowing how fast your lens are, we can all take good pictures if the light is good not so easy on a cloudy day or if you are using a CP filter to cut reflections which the top picture might have used to enable you to see through the windscreen. 

...on the up side both of your pictures show you can do the job so don't give it up!

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On 12/1/2015, 9:23:14, Leon said:

is that because it's far superior? ..... or did you see it on Facebook?

cheers Ron, the Bottom one is mine..

didnt see it on facebook, its the fact you can see through the windscreen on the other one so I'm guessing its taken with better quality lens / camera combo thats the small difference the better quality kit gives you

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