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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


El Capitan Upgrade


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I've upgraded my MacBook Pro successfully - took about 45 minutes in total as it's a 6Gb download.

I've also installed the latest Photoshop and Lightroom CC upgrades and all seems to be working fine and dandy. I have two desktops set up (one for Lightroom and one for Photoshop) and that is working fine as well All looks good!

As usual when Apple release a new OS, there seems to be a few disgruntled folk having a bleat via the App Store, but the majority are giving it a thumbs-up.

Anyone else?



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Update within an hour of it going live - I always do and have never had an issue - and I have to say my iMac is spinning along much quicker. Heavy lifting apps like Lightroom and Photoshop run about the same but app loading and switching is definitely smoother and faster.


Haven't hit go in the Adobe CC update as there are all sorts of issues that Adobe have acknowledged and are working to fix. I have a couple of friends who have and are giving feedback plus I know a LR Guru who is resting it and will give me an update.

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I'm still an iMac novice so would be grateful if you lads can keep me informed, please :)

Judy. I am finding some Topaz plugins are not working. But the fix is there. Just go to your Topaz account and reinstall the plugins again. All is fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can't help there as its not something I use.


On a separate note I might (still working on getting the go ahead) be getting a new iMac this Christmas. Mine is four years old now and while its still fantastic for day to day use its is starting to feel a little sluggish when I throw a SD card full of images at LR and PS. I've hung on for a while but the new 21.5" 4k version has piqued my interest. Been to see one and the screen is amazing. I will have it fitted with a Fusion Drive which makes a huge difference and (fingers crossed) an i7 so should get a good few years out of it. Mine will go to the kids who are pestering for a new computer and love to use mine so makes sense - it'll do them both right through school and college.

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upgraded but now having problems - Parralells is currently failing to open reinstalling to see if it will help.


Had to purchase new version of Parallels to work with El Capitan and so far everything is looking good.

Edited by colinb
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