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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



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Everything posted by KateW

  1. I hadn't seen this one! What a lovely image - well done Jacqui!
  2. KateW

    Self Portraits

    Lovely to see Mrs Fuji - you make a grand couple.
  3. KateW

    POTW - w/e 8.4.18

    There have been a lot of good pictures this week, on a wide variety of subjects. The one I've picked for POTW made me smile, both with the dog's expressions and the captions. Nicely photographed and made into a tryptich, I have chosen Small Talk, by John2. Well done John! The original thread is here.
  4. A brilliant choice. Well done Fuji!
  5. KateW

    POTW - 18/3/2018

    Well done Stravinsky, and good choice Dee.
  6. KateW

    POTW - w/e 11.3.18

    It's been a bit of a quiet week for images, but one has stood out to me. That one is Kev7d's Down in the Dark Metro. It uses contrast to its absolute best advantage, and really captures the mood of a nearly deserted metro station platform. Well done Kev! The original thread is here.
  7. KateW

    POTW w/e 4 March 2018

    Well done Ryewolf!
  8. Well done Polly. I love this picture.
  9. KateW

    POTW - 18/2/2018

    A great choice - well done Roger!
  10. KateW

    POTW - w/e 11.2.18

    I had a few images lined up for potential POTW - there have been some good ones this week. But this is the one I've picked, both for its subject matter and the skill of the photographer. You've got down to his level, which is paramount in my opinion, and given a lovely depth of field to the image. And those eyes, with his head just a little on one side - who could resist him? I give you Black Pearl, with Jasper. Well done Beepy! The original thread is here.
  11. Great choice and a well-deserved win - well done Stravinsky!
  12. KateW

    POTW - 21/01/2018

    A good choice, well done!
  13. KateW

    POTW - w/e 14.1.18

    It's been a quiet week for images, but I've been taking a lot of notice of JHFoto's bird images, at which he's rather good! I like his swan one, but I particularly like this one - Sunbathing Nuthatch, which stands out nicely from its background, and the moss on the branch adds that extra bit of interest. Well done JHFoto! Original thread is here.
  14. KateW

    POTW w/e 7 Jan 2018

    A worthy winner! Well done BP!
  15. KateW

    POTW - 24/12/2017

    I like this one. Well done Vanguard!
  16. KateW

    POTW - w/e 17/12/17

    I've chosen something quite different for this week's POTW. I think food photography is really difficult to do well, but FUJI has succeeded in making me feel hungry with this one, called Good Enough to Eat! I'm not sure I'd put it on my wall, but I'd certainly sit down and tuck in! Nice one FUJI! Original thread is here.
  17. Wow! I hadn't seen this one - well done Colin!
  18. Hello, and welcome to the forum.
  19. KateW

    POTW - 26/11/2017

    Well done BP! And a good choice, Kobione.
  20. KateW

    POTW - 19/11/17

    Well, it's that time again, and there are some good photos to choose from. The one that really made me look this week is this one from Bill Allsop - he's caught a perfect moment with the far swan's wings outstretched, and going by his posture, if I were the other swan, I'd be beating a quick retreat by now. I love the dynamism in this one: Territorial Swans. Well done Bill! The original post is here.
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