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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Posts posted by FUJI

  1. Many of you, like me, are currently stuck in, or very close to home for the next three months or so..... keeping one’s photographic mojo going might be a very real challenge for some....but have no fear.....the answers.....HERE!

    ZIP over to YouTube.... seek out the photographic works of....Man-Ray...... most quirky and very eccentric..... but most done with a sense of ......tongue - cheek humour  and wit.

    You don’t have to copy, but to be influenced by his creations, whether inside or out, human, animal, plant or inanimate item.

    He uses textures, shadows, crayons, paper cut-outs, lighting, masks, wicked combinations of opposites....I love his, tin-tack smoothing iron..

    Have a think, have a dig in those drawers and cupboards for junk, magazines and tools.... persuade your nearest and dearest to pose for you, but not in a...Family-Photograph manner....

    I love his female head resting on table, with mask.


    Explore any other photographer who you admire, use their work for inspiration.....or.... simply go photographically NUT’S .....yourself..... no one’s watching ?

    I am really looking forward to a thread on here, sharing lots of original, creative works..... the possibilities are endless.



  2. A huge thank you everyone.......Drawing and painting have been my saviour through crisis since being a very small child.... a paintbox, brushes and pencils were my favourite things, next to my books.

    As to my resolve and mostly positive attitude to life.... it comes through having had very little, as a wartime brat....we were literally forced to make the best of what we had to hand, or, to make it ourselves.

    Also, much of my positiveness, rubbed off from my amazing resilient students at the Day Centre, where I was deputy manager for over 20 years...... because no matter what  particular handicap/s affected them, they all lived life to the full with our help. Our establishment was known for its mainly cheerful creative, positive students.

    As staff, we all enabled a....Can-Do.... atmosphere.... A music group, a self built theatre, sports galore, and the lunch-time disco’s were the best ever, never mind the amazing lunches cooked and presented by students, under supervision.....always served on proper table cloths cutlery and glasses. Staff sat at random mixing with groups in turn so very little...us and them atmosphere.

    I admit to crying my eyes out after being forced to leave, when the powers that be, altered our whole approach, toward a more industrial pattern, that included pre-cooked frozen meals....had I stayed, the stress would have killed me.

    That is why I left earning a very good salary and job satisfaction, to set up my tiny but successful ~Toy research and recreation business, touring School's, museums and historic sites.

    I hardly earned a profit, for the next 18 years, but loved every minute....

    reasonably good health has made my early retirement easier.


    Moral ? .....Make the best of what you have, at any time...

    I thank you all for your interest in this old codger.





  3. A BIT OF A CHANGE....

    A few months ago, I, quite by accident learned about the amazing almost unbelievable ......Water-Mixable Oil Paints....

    I found sets online....acquired oils brushes and boards, via a local branch of ....THE WORKS.... i once, painted regularly in oils but real turps and thinners became too volatile with children around, and weren’t very wise in my attic studio.

    After a very shaky start....trying to unlearn watercolour washes and techniques, I have re-discovered my ....Alla-Prima.   .... style.....I began using generic methods, but then discovered...on ...YouTube...the teachings of New-York Artist...DAVID Leffel....his influence has been so strong, It is with his techniques I will stick.

    i know that some of you take an interest in my dabblings, so hope you don’t mind me continuing posting in this thread....?

    i recently spent of £ 80 on antique and Fine-Art ceramics via eBay. I can’t very easily climb the narrow twisty staircase to my Victorian Attic Studio now...so I paint in our tiny glass porch to the back door. It faces due south, so I had a full-width roller blind installed that helps diffuse the light.

    My Art, Photography and Woodturning, helps to keep my old brain functioning, currently it is helping me to rationalising 12 weeks of being confined to the house, because of the dreaded virus.






    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Clicker said:

    I have spoken to Gill today and unfortunately she has no more copies of Steve’s books I’m afraid..  and there are no plans for another print run but  Gill has asked me to thank you for your interest and kind comments .

    Folks could try....eBay....or....Abe Books UK for used copies..


    • Thanks 2
  5. Hi, Barbara,


    The presentation was something beyond photographic beauty..... to me, as an Artist who paints, your work comes very, very close, to paintings, and if Korky helped you along the way; this is a very fitting tribute to a fine man.

    You will no doubt get more responses as and when members filter back from his funeral today.


    i really must learn this technique too, it really works, especially for pet studies.


    Thank you for posting it.... real inspiration.



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  6. I really hope that this is how we can all remember Lord Korkington ?  Fond memories of enjoying a lunch with him at Warwick Folk Festival, and then during the TIPF Grand Day Out .... in Stratford - Upon - Avon.

    Admin if you feel this isn’t right, please hold the pics until it is..... I am hoping that others from our wonderful trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon will be able to add more.





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  7. Yes! Our KORKY...... is a great character, cheeky, funny, witty, creative, to the point, and ..... if you’ve met him..... a great companion and friend.....oh..... and not a bad photographer either. 

    Please pass on this and any messages from other TIPF `members via your special line....


    Thanks for the info Polly.



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