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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


My Grandson Oliver


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Very cute baby! 


(You might want to reduce the green/yellow cast on the left hand side?)

I can see that it would be better to lose it a bit and I would do it if I knew how!

I don't have photoshop  :wacko:

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I can see that it would be better to lose it a bit and I would do it if I knew how!

I don't have photoshop  :wacko:


Best left then - if you used a simple graphics program (like iPhoto or Picasa) to adjust the colour, you'd lose the left hand cast at the expense of making the right hand side too magenta. It really needs a layer based program, or at the least, one that lets you make local adjustments using brushes, such as ACR.

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Hi Karen


Lovely little boy :)


Hope you don't mind - I've just taken the yellow down a bit as Chris suggests.  On laptop so it's quite small and not sure of colour balance.


I've got a large version, if you'd like it.




PS - I think The Gimp has layers and is free. I've not used it but ome people really like it.

Thank You Judy that's very kind of you. Yes please!

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paul - our edited version looks a lot better on my other monitor - did you change it after posting  :)

Nope just re-uploaded it I use a batch resize which puts my copyright on and forgot to disable that part it it would never do to have my copyright on someone elses image. :wallbash:


By the way my monitor is calibrated with a Spyder but have not run it for month so it may be a little off but I don't think so, I'm seeing a green cast in your edit..

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I don't edit in colour very often on the this laptop - but the calibration I've used seemed to be fine last time I did it. I certainly see the strong yellow/green cast in Karen's original.


Could you put up three samplers, please - from Karen's original, from my first edit and from yours. I'm just interested to see what I'm seeing on the laptop.


What Spyder do you recommend?  I see Amazon have one for £39


Sure no prob,I just use the basic Datacolour Spyder4 for what I do.


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A real cutie Karen, I still think the colour balance  is not right even on the edits so here is mine plus a few other tweeks done in Elements 12.




I think the colour is absolutely right there - but it's a little 'blown'? The Levels could do with taking back just a little.

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