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Just returned form a week in London

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No in fact to me a "photograph" is something that time has been taken over, even if just a seconds thought, these were "snaps" a quick, "snap"

Hi, Jeremy,

If that were true, then you dismiss the whole Genre of .....Street and Candid Photography.........the ART of......capturing the MOMENT!

When totally immersed in this Genre the photographer is Reactive rather than Proactive, in other words nothing is pre planned or thought out, it just happens......like my example here.....

Any hesitation at all and the Moment has vanished for ever.

No time, for tripods, lights or any faffing about.....if you do.....then you miss the shot and the spontenaety.......in other words a Street Photographer does indeed make ......Snap Judgements, but ( hopefully) boosted by internalised knowledge and experience.

Set a tripod up on a busy pavement, and you would soon be blocking the right of way......no time, no room, no spontenaety.........= no Candid.

You have here, good examples of Street Photography, rather than snaps ;-)



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Hi, Jeremy,

If that were true, then you dismiss the whole Genre of .....Street and Candid Photography.........the ART of......capturing the MOMENT!

When totally immersed in this Genre the photographer is Reactive rather than Proactive, in other words nothing is pre planned or thought out, it just happens......like my example here.....

Any hesitation at all and the Moment has vanished for ever.

No time, for tripods, lights or any faffing about.....if you do.....then you miss the shot and the spontenaety.......in other words a Street Photographer does indeed make ......Snap Judgements, but ( hopefully) boosted by internalised knowledge and experience.

Set a tripod up on a busy pavement, and you would soon be blocking the right of way......no time, no room, no spontenaety.........= no Candid.

You have here, good examples of Street Photography, rather than snaps ;-)





perhaps it is because I have never had the guts to do it before, it is a hellish discipline, and I have always admired people who do this sort of photography.


Been concerned about upsetting people I think

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No in fact to me a "photograph" is something that time has been taken over, even if just a seconds thought, these were "snaps" a quick, "snap"


What Fuji said ^ - also, it's a bit pretentious to claim photography is something that "time needs to be spent over". Yes, clearly that is often true, but there is also the scope for quick, fast, spur-of-the-moment, thick-of-the-action shots (otherwise no sports photographer could ever take anything but 'snaps').


In the art world, artists who might take weeks or even months over a single canvas, are given the discipline of doing 'quickies' too, to test the responses of their eye/hand without having to 'think too hard' about it. No-one ever dismissed such results as inferior; indeed, they often have more immediacy.


On the other hand, you may have meant the word 'snaps' as meaning 'photographs taken quickly'? In which case we need to find another word, as 'snaps' so often has the derogatory connotation which we've all picked up on here.

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you may have meant the word 'snaps' as meaning 'photographs taken quickly'


That is it


Fair enough. But a lot of people use the word 'snap' vs 'photograph' to mean something taken on a (usually) cheap camera or a phone with the sole aim of providing a memory of an occasion, in other words something inherently inferior.

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