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Emperor Dragonfly.


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I was watching loads of these last Thursday and again today, just how you get a good shot of them I haven't a clue. They never settle and they are as fast as any Dragonfly I've seen. This is hugely cropped and I had my macro lens fitted, I'm surprised this turned out as good this... even though it's not that good. Perhaps I'll try the 70-300mm lens next time.



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Just a dragonfly's whisker away from being superb, so I'll have to only rate it as excellent :)


Seriously though, I do know what it takes to do this kind of picture and it ain't easy, no matter what kit you're using. Servo focus won't hold something that darts out of frame so the best way I've found is to set manual focus on something at the same distance from you that they fly at, then try to catch the critter as it pauses.


Well done on this one and good luck with the follow-ups

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Just a dragonfly's whisker away from being superb, so I'll have to only rate it as excellent :)


Seriously though, I do know what it takes to do this kind of picture and it ain't easy, no matter what kit you're using. Servo focus won't hold something that darts out of frame so the best way I've found is to set manual focus on something at the same distance from you that they fly at, then try to catch the critter as it pauses.


Well done on this one and good luck with the follow-ups


Thanks Bugs... much appreciate your feedback.  BTW... this is yet another first for me, I've lost count now but it must be about nine new insects this summer.

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Just a dragonfly's whisker away from being superb, so I'll have to only rate it as excellent :)


Seriously though, I do know what it takes to do this kind of picture and it ain't easy, no matter what kit you're using. Servo focus won't hold something that darts out of frame so the best way I've found is to set manual focus on something at the same distance from you that they fly at, then try to catch the critter as it pauses.


Well done on this one and good luck with the follow-ups


Bugs.... I take this as a compliment coming from you, I try hard but I will never come near most of your great work.

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 the best way I've found is to set manual focus on something at the same distance from you that they fly at, then try to catch the critter as it pauses.




Bugs... you know what it's like... you have your macro lens and ringflash on the camera and you are looking for Dragonflies that have settled. All the time there are Dragonflies bombing around you... you think to yourself... do I change the lens and try and catch one in flight knowing full well that they will probably stop flying around you as soon as you are kitted up and you will wish you had kept the macro lens on. Well this happen to me several times during the day, so I thought... blow it I'm going to try and catch one with the macro lens... blinking heck it was not easy with 100mm and no zoom... yet I came away with my best ever shot of a Dragonfly in flight... when I checked the shot on the LCD screen I nearly choked in my excitement.


The method you describe above was exactly how I managed the shot.

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