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These are some of the first pics I took with the new camera. I wasn't impressed with them at first because I didn't realize that RAW files need a bit of editing. I've given them a quick tweak in NX2 and I'm impressed; beginners luck I guess!  :happy:














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I used to shoot in RAw, but the time it took  to save them on the card used to annoy me, and now it would take twice as long with the 3200, but I must try and get back into iit.


I don't really understand the tech stuff with memory cards but I got a class 10 because I was told it would read and write very fast. I don't notice any difference between JPG and RAW as far as shooting goes.

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I have tried Raw with the new Nikon. I will have to have a go. May be that will be faster than the D3000.
I'm sure that I have a  class 10 card, but it must be at home in one of my other camera's.


I was a bit annoyed the other day, as I took my compact down to the beach to get some pics of my granddaughters, only to  find that the write protect was on and when I looked the little moveable leaver to adjust it had broken off. 
I can't see how it happened as I am pretty careful with my cards and have a protective box for them.
Luckily we only had a two minute walk back to the caravan to pick my other camera up.
I have spare cards with me anyway, but I wasn't happy about losing the use of one, but was more worried that the little bit of plastic might be in one of my camera's, so I'm checking them to make sure.

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I must admit I shoot in raw +sjpeg (to do with PS4 not supporting the 50d ) and it dosnt seem slow,


Ive just tried it on 3200 iso and high speed continious and the 50d slowed down after 20 shots showing busy

My card is a dane-elec 8gb high speed 133x


I could see it being a problem on some smaller cameras

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In my camera viewfinder there is (amongst loads of other information) r11, this is the amount of images at the current setting that will fit in the buffer before the camera needs to slow down while it writes to the card. If I've understood this correctly, I can fire off 11 rapid shots without having to worry about the camera pausing to save data. That would suggest that I should not notice any lag between shots under normal shooting.

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nice set martyn...very nice.


I always keep my hs20 on jpeg as it's very slow with raw, but my canon is always on raw,


Same with the Lumix FZ. And independent tests show that there is little if any advantage - only where perhaps a shot is so poorly exposed the JPEG is almost useless. Of course, it's different when you have a proper size sensor.

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