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in the last few weeks I have discovered that a few of my customers through work are getting into photography, 2 of them are high paid in the Electrical industry, now I dont begrudge anyone anything, you work hard, your money spend it how you like, but both have gone out and bought a Canon 650d and the other a 60d, neither will (probably) ever use them to anywhere near the potential of the camera, one of them was saying today he's looking at L lenses!!


I did suggest start cheap maybe a good Bridge but no, I think the phrase "keeping up with the Jones's" rings true.


being the king generous guy I am I have offered my services in trying to teach them a little (I know I'm no expert), luckily they know of a place where your almost guaranteed to see Kingfishers plus I will be able to claim my fuel back and buy us all a bacon sarnie as "entertaining customers" so it's all good.


just my opinion for what it's worth?



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There are always people who want what they percieve to be the best (I did notice they chose Canon so they can't be bad), but if these are the first DSLRs they've bought then they may either be disappointed with the results, or just leave it on 'auto' most of the time.


Rather a waste of the capabilities of the camera but at least if they start there, and move on, they have cameras that are capable of much more if they take the time to learn.


I'd consider them to be rather fortunate to find someone who is willing to help them along the path (especially if bacon sarnies are involved!).

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Without people who buy, shall we say beyond there abilites, there woudnt be such good second hand bargains


I like your thinking Fuzzy.


The 650d is what? £400?

to be honest looking back if I could have afforded a decent Dslr I wouldn't have bothered with the Fuji S9600 which cost not far off that figure.

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Without a lens colin nearly double if you stick something decent in the hole


where you buying your stuff from Fuzzy?





Edited by colinb
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I bought my 60D and my macro lens from Procamerashop... very good and you get an extra 3% off if you pay by BACS instead of credit card. That may seem a bit risky but I've done it twice with no problems.

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I like your thinking Fuzzy.


The 650d is what? £400?

to be honest looking back if I could have afforded a decent Dslr I wouldn't have bothered with the Fuji S9600 which cost not far off that figure.

I had a Fuji S9600 and didn't think it was a bad camera at the time and I learned on it, but I really hated the noise when I tried to use a high ISO in very low light.

I feel contented with my Dslr now as I have experimented far more that I did before. I still have time for my Pana FZ100 and my little compact though..

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