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t bought some compost pots and compost to plant some Lupin seeds that my sister gave me. 
I planted them up and put them inside the kitchen window to start them off.
Some of the Lupins have come up, but there was obviously some spors in the compost and these tiny fugi popped up over=night. The first lot were little pink ones and then these cream coloured ones came up in another pot a few days later.
I have sharpened them to show the lovely patterns up. 

Does anyone have any idea what they are. They are about 1cm and less  in size.

I did give my hands a good wash afterwards just in case they were poisonous. 




The pot is about 3" across to give a scale.



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I've been trying to ID them but no luck so far, they look similar to Pleated Ink Caps. Of course they may not be a fungi found in the British Isles if the compost was bagged up abroad, the compost was obviously not sterilised which surprises me somewhat.

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It was cheap stuff from Wilkinsons  so you could be right. It almost looks like there is some straw in it too.

The ones that I put in the plant holders in the barrell had no fungus at all, but I can see more spors swelliing up in some other little pots again,.

I think I will have to plant some seeds straight into the barrel which also contains the same compost.

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I had pleated ink caps in mind too,


Was that the Wilkinsons compost, Annie.


they are cool, I usually spend a lot of time capturing Fungi, this year the macro has taken over, might go for a walk in the woods later :)

Well, your wife did say she was fed up of looking at bugs, Mr W. :lol:

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