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Public Toilets.

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I just heard that Herefordshire Coucil are going to close all public toilets in the county to save money and they are trying to close all the libraries except the one in Hereford city... just where the heck is this country going. I bet we won't have our council tax reduced, I'm sick of this damn government, they don't do anything that pleases me. We will be swamped with poles and bulgarians next year, there are already far too many here already, all I hear when walking the streets is eastern europeans talking. Nothing will stop me voting UKIP come the next election, the mainstream parties annoy the c**p out of me. I want my vote on EU membership now not if Cameron wins the next election... which he won't.

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 I am betting that the worse is yet to come with Romanians and Bulgarians......I cannot understand where this argument that they 'bring something into the country' comes from...all the poles around here are taking minimum wage jobs and getting top up benefit.....get us out of the EU now I say...


I have worked all my life full time and paid into this system that I find I am not able to claim from now I am out of work.......! the reason why...I am married, my husband has to keep me, so why was they taking so much tax off me?

Edited by annie
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.I cannot understand where this argument that they 'bring something into the country


but they do... petty stealing and pick pocketing, teach others how to cook and eat swans, spotting' take-away' trout farms,finding and removing copper cables in places we didn't even know about, exporting currency back to the home land avoiding spending it here in the UK - which might actually benefit the country they are living in, not purchasing things like road tax or insurance.


I'm not sure UKIP is the way foreword but at least they do appear to be listening.

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You forgot to include claiming child benefit and then going back to their own country and being allowed to still claim that benefit until the child is sixteen even though they don't live here anymore.

Same with the housing when they are give priority over British families because they declare themselves homeless.

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I just heard that Herefordshire Coucil are going to close all public toilets in the county to save money



Just about sums up local/national govenrment. They dish out c**p but are not prepared to take it

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I'm sure there are some people from other countries that come over here to abuse our systems just as there are people born here that abuse the system. I don't think its fair to bundle all overseas people into the same group. I know many people from other countries that have come here for the opportunities and have made the most of them without taking any benefits and have paid large amounts of tax and NI into the system. I would never vote for any party that suggested excluding people purely based on their country of birth, thats  a form of racism. Its fine to say if all you want to do is take our benefits then you are not welcome but to say you are not welcome because you are polish is not.

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I agree with what you say Richard, but when members of your own family who aren't on high enough wages to buy a house, can't get a housing association house because a lot of foreigners are getting priority even though they aren't on the housing list beforehand or for very little time, then it makes me angry.

I have heard that some even move in to one room and then get pregnant straight away either with their first or second child just so they can get a council house really annoys me.
While I don't begrudge other families from another country a better life, I do think the government should stop letting anymore in as our own future generations don't stand a chance of a decent life.
What will be left for them?

As for the foreigners bringing something to the country, why not train our own people up more to do these jobs.

What happened to apprenticeships for our own youth? 
I'm sure there are many out-of-work people who would love to train a well enough paid job to be able to provide for their families and hold their heads up.
Our Country has become a soft touch. There are bigger countries that have more room than us and yet they refuse to take in any more. They have the right idea.

Edited by NannyFerret
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we have a French friend who has lived in England for thirty years. he is married to an English woman, they have three young children and he runs his own business...he is taking them all back to france...on the reasoning that we let to many eastern Europeans in this country and that we are soft...........how ironic is that.

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we have a French friend who has lived in England for thirty years. he is married to an English woman, they have three young children and he runs his own business...he is taking them all back to france...on the reasoning that we let to many eastern Europeans in this country and that we are soft...........how ironic is that.


... we taking bets on how long before they return? :D

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theres loads of people in this country that got council houses because they got pregnant. I watched a news report from Norfolk where the spoke to locals at the job centre and asked if they really wanted to work, they all said yes. The reporter then said we have jobs waiting for you at a farm up the road harvesting crops by hand and everyone of them said no, I want a job I like. I fully agree that we should get rid of scroungers I just dont agree with racism. we should never say all people from a country are thieves or scroungers  

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every country has its own home grown scroungers, but i don't see the need to import them. yes some are very hard working to do commit to this country but for me we need to shut or at least part close the door NOW. Just as a business we need to take stock and look at what we have and how we are going to budget and manage. I'm sure there are many towns like Boston in Lincolnshire that have changed to the point you seldom hear English spoken on the streets, towns that struggle with infrastructural basics due to over immigration. 


Annie makes the point about Romanians and Bulgarians, I'm sure we all know Latvians and Polish people who work in the fields, many of those fear they will be out of work because the 'next wave' will offer to do the work cheaper - does this mean they will either have to go on benefits or maybe offer to do your job cheaper than you putting you on benefits?


Those who are here are here but it is time to say enough - at least for a few years until we start to find jobs for the younger members of society, many who are struggling to find work that has a future, picking crops is not a future and I don't blame them for saying no thanks.

Edited by colinb
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I have recently become a victim of immigrant labour from eastern europe, for the last 12 years I have been working as a self employed sameday courier. Over those 12 years I gradually moved away from delivery the normal urgent stuff like documents and machine parts and any other small items that needed to be delivered the sameday. I found a nice little number delivering samples of fruit like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries & cherries and more besides. I delivered these samples to all of the supermarket head offices for the buyers. All the fruit growers I delivered samples for have been using cheap eastern european workers for years to pick and pack their fruit and the numbers have been increasing year on year. I have now lost nearly all of my work because my main customers in their efforts to cut costs have started using some of these cheap workers to deliver their own samples and these people are being paid the lowest agricultural wages. They come over here thinking they are being paid a fortune at first only to find out that the cost of living is so much higher here and after a while they go back home and another lot take their place. The only winners are the fruit growers at the moment but surely this cheap labour will dry up in the end when the message gets around eastern europe that working here is not all it's made out to be. Even though I'm coming 67 I wanted to carry on doing my work for another year or two but now I've had to retire before I'm ready as finding another source of work is very difficult at my age.

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 at least for a few years until we start to find jobs for the younger members of society, many who are struggling to find work that has a future, picking crops is not a future and I don't blame them for saying no thanks.


whats wrong with taking the dead end job and earning your living whilst looking for a job with a future? I have done some very dead end jobs, I have even cleaned toilets for a living, the reason for this is I would rather earn my money than take it from the benefits system. If I had the choice of employing two people, one who had stayed on benefits until they found a job with a future and one who had done any job available whilst looking for a job with a future I would take the one that had taken the dead end jobs because it shows they are prepared to work and do what it takes to succeed

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whats wrong with taking the dead end job and earning your living whilst looking for a job with a future? I have done some very dead end jobs, I have even cleaned toilets for a living, the reason for this is I would rather earn my money than take it from the benefits system. If I had the choice of employing two people, one who had stayed on benefits until they found a job with a future and one who had done any job available whilst looking for a job with a future I would take the one that had taken the dead end jobs because it shows they are prepared to work and do what it takes to succeed


I quite agree Richard!  If I had my way everyone who is fit and able to work would not receive benefits when they are out of a job... they would have to work for the local council/authority doing the jobs that no longer get done due to cut backs. Why should people be paid for doing nothing when there is a ready supply of jobs in the community that need to be carried out, they could be made to earn their money that way.

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whats wrong with taking the dead end job and earning your living whilst looking for a job with a future?


Many young people work in pubs, clubs, restaurants, while doing courses, University etc, do they now need to work the land too? Many young people are now finding whilst they may have a qualification they have no experience and therefore find getting a job very difficult. Times have change since I left school when jobs were plenty and easy to find, those like me who have been made redundant through no fault of our own struggle to find work worth doing, I have been fortunate in finding different jobs to fit my abilities but I think having 'worked in a field' on my CV isn't going to help anyone.

I want the door closed to give those already here a chance to find decent work, not let more and more in to the UK just to under cut everyone else and lets face it as long as I can remember the farmers have looked for the cheapest labour they can find.


I quite agree Richard!  If I had my way everyone who is fit and able to work would not receive benefits when they are out of a job... they would have to work for the local council/authority doing the jobs that no longer get done due to cut backs. Why should people be paid for doing nothing when there is a ready supply of jobs in the community that need to be carried out, they could be made to earn their money that way.


they don't John -  both my wife and I could not get any benefits because we had more than £16K in the bank, when I suggest using some to pay off part of our mortgage we were told 'that would be seen as disposing of your income to gain benefits' and I could end up in court.

Beside using people in this manner would be nothing more than slave labour, if the job exists with a proper wage people will do it.

Edited by colinb
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having 'worked in a field' on my CV isn't going to help anyone.


as I said before Colin I have recruited staff in the past and I would always prefer someone that did any job even working in a field over someone that sat at home waiting for the perfect job.


Any job is a job worth doing if you have no job 

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as I said before Colin I have recruited staff in the past and I would always prefer someone that did any job even working in a field over someone that sat at home waiting for the perfect job.


Any job is a job worth doing if you have no job 


I guess we will just have to have a different opinion on that one Richard - or you could try working for a company called Kantar http://www.kantar.com I stuck it for 4 months, see how you get on  :)  first time I have ever quit anything.

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Thats a big company what did you do there?


nothing particularly exciting, consumer surveys e.g. one for the BBC just as a Jim S. issue broke which threw up a few interesting answers and one to find out why the police commission election bombed but most were very boring. Pay was no where near good enough to make the job worth suffering the poor organisation and for example after several phone calls and emails after just over 4 months I finally managed to get my P45 from them.




Incidentally Richard on BBC/Look North tonight the was an article about salad growers wanting to import more labour from Russia as next year they think the Romanian/Bulgarians etc will go else where once the working restrictions are lifted. Apparently they pay £10 per hour for ‘some jobs’ – quite a few comments about that from out of work UK viewers who had done similar work. One company owner said they used to employ UK students but they didn’t really want to work and keep going off to the swimming pool/cinema, not sure what they expected from students.

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