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Helloooo yet again!


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Sorry I didn't jump in earlier but I've had a hectic time of late - not to worry though as the advice here as ever was excellent.


The D3200 is a great camera:


The extra pixels over the D3100/5100 will let you crop an image and still get an acceptable result if you find you can't get close enough with your motor sport shots.

It ticks along at 4fps (frames per second) which is better than the D3100 and the same as the D5100 which will help again with motor sport.

The 'Guide Mode' is an amazing way to learn and hone your skills - use it - you're not cheating just getting technology to help.

It was definitely worth getting the camera with a 'kit' lens. There is a lot of twaddle wrote on some sites about kit lenses not being any good - cobblers - you will get fantastic images from it. 



As to magnification and the difference between 200mm and 300mm think of it this way:


A 50mm lens is about 1x magnification (the same as your eye in other words) so a 200mm will magnify things four times and a 300mm will magnify thing six times. Thats not gospel but its a darn good rule-of-thumb.


One other quick note:


You will hear talk that you should always shoot RAW and that Jpegs are pointless......if you do just nod sage like and wander away. Unless you are shooting for a very specific end result where you know you are going to have to manipulate the image heavily you will get just as good a result from a Jpeg file - plus - it is smaller so you can shoot more and more importantly you will get a longer burst (the number of shots a camera will take in one go before it runs out of steam) with Jpegs so you might just get the shot you need when shooting motor sport. If you're just wandering about get the camera to shoot both. Use the Jpeg when the camera gets it right (99.9999999 times out of  100) then use the RAW when it doesn't or if you need to muck about with the image. It will slow the camera down a little so be prepared to switch when speed is of the essence. 



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I don't use raw very often as I find it takes too long to process in between each shot.
I use Jpeg and the biggest picture size+Fine and that seems to suit me ok.

I haven't fully explored my D3200 yet but having the D3000 I was able to use similar settings to what I did on that to get started, but I have probably got more to learn on the latest camera so will be following Beth's thread for hints and tips.

Edited by NannyFerret
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Hello all,

Sorry I haven't been around since purchasing my camera, but

don't worry, I haven't fainted from the shock lol.

Been poorly though since I bought last Saturday. I felt really hot whilst

in store and bit dizzy but didnt think much about it. Anyway, I've had really early nights

since Saturday and been going to bed around 9:30, which is really

early for me compared to my usual midnight time lol.

Just been aching and tight chest and so tired.

I've been to work though as I've had no choice, but just feel drained.

Plus, the last hour is the first time I held my new camera......aww lol.

That's not like me to not look at something I've bought, unless I'm poorly.

So I've put the strap on woo hoo and its charging. Never had a charger to flash though so I

hope that's normal.....

This is the first night to feel "right", but I'll play more with it tomorrow evening.

I have a warranty which I'm not sure whether I should complete or not, together with

a reference manual on CD etc.

Hope this message is posted ok as I've typed it on my phone.

Thank yoooou. x

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Hi Beth, Sorry to hear that you have been poorly. I haven't felt right since I had a cold weeks ago and have had all sorts of other problems since, and like you, I feel really drained.
I had a play with my camera today and have just ordered a genuine Nikon battery from Amazon for a spare.

I ordered a rip off from ebay, and although it said that it was for three different Nikon camera's including the D3200, it didn't work in my camera as it hadn't been decoded for the D3200, so be careful if you are thinking of buying a thrid party battery.
The one from Amazon is dispatched from them as it seemed the safest  option and was £26.75 which is a good drop from Nikons online price of £40. I'll post the link when I have checked it out in case you want to get a spare. Mie is on charge now and you don't have to wait until the battery is fully drained, You can top it up when you aren't using the camera.

I think you just fill the warranty in and keep it in case you have to send the camera off for repair.

You can register your camera with Nikon on their site though.
I bet you are looking forward to getting your hands on it more from now on. :D

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Thanks Tina I shall bear that in mind. Apparently I

have one if the discontinued batteries in my pack

Long story, but I would have had to pay extra for the new battery, plus I felt crap so just got it.

Am sure its fine but wonder if it should flash when charging???

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Hey all,


Well, I think it's a   :thumbup: as I've managed to use Gravatar.  Sorry if I appear to be sooo lame, but I've been out of touch with it all for a long while, but hopefully I'm back on course now.

I've developed tonsilitis now, so no wonder I've been feeling poorly, but the aches have nearly gone, so i hope to really have a good look at my camera tomorrow.

I have the day to myself.....no teenagers around lol, so I should be ok!


Thanks for all your support, but I fear that I will have many more questions to come. x

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