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Posts posted by GrahamNfk

  1. Some test shots. These are the same targets I use when 'getting to know' a lens. All were taken with IS switched on, and me/camera pressed against the side of the shed for added stability. full image then a crop.


    The grass has turned into a green smear, as has most detail, and the chimney has almost no detail at all. As you can see from the tree, CA is something the lens excels at.


    Perhaps I'm expecting too much from what is, afterall, a compact on steroids.


    Whole frame:






    Whole frame:





  2. Judging by your experience both with the SX20 and the G1, I'm tempted to repeat my earlier observation that it's incompatibility between the lenses you want to use with them, and the camera in question. Unless you're saying that the SX20 was 'orrible with its OWN lens?  

    SX20 is a bridge, so has a built-in non-interchangeable. I'd intended it to be a stop-gap until much later in the year and replace it then with sommat that works well with my lenses.

  3. Yes, I confess your results were all part of my decision-making process when I went for the G1 - I reckoned that if your results were typical of Panasonic, I'd be making a safe bet. It's all most peculiar. I've not written Panasonic off, but when I scout the pawn shops in future I think I'll take a lens and memory card and ask to do a few test shots.


    BTW, as an aside, I adore my CCTV lens that you put me on to. I used it to take some Ebay photos and the detail (after fettling) was crackingly good.

  4. Ok, so as you recall I bought a Lumix G1 to use with my old Pentax-110 lenses, CCTV lenses, and the homebrew macro. You'll recall I then flogged it again after not achieving pleasing image quality.


    Since then I went back to my mate locally and shot similar pix with the same lenses on his Oly E-PL1, and they were superb. So I reckon ditching the G1 was a good move.


    Because I can't afford an E-PL1, and much less the add-on EVF, I decided to go back through my photo collection and see what stop-gap camera I liked. Things like the Fuji S6500 and S9600, both small-sensor bridges, were loads good enough. I failed to then track one down (they've risen in price on Fleabay) so went searching.


    I unearthed a Canon Powershot SX20 in a pawn shop, so came home and read the reviews (a note at this point - Photographyblog reviews are a series of "copy and paste" paragraphs and have proved to have little reflection on the camera being reviewed!)


    Based on that and a dpreview write-up, I went back and paid my fifty quid for the SX20 and left happy enough (it's a spotlessly clean example). Got home, tried it, and it's bloomin' awful  :wallbash:


    Image quality is, frankly, smudgy :( Filling the frame with a small object - as with most cameras - is very acceptable. The images are soft too, with no adjustable in-camera sharpening. I'm set to 12MP and the least compression (Fine setting). Contrast is generally low.


    On the upside, the video quality is excellent (useful as I make lots of Youtube vids)


    I really fell like giving the whole thing up  :yes


    Question is, do I just give up and wait until I can afford a decent Oly M4/3, and flog the Canon and continue my search? If I do the latter, I'd really welcome personal experiences of bridge cameras that are currently available secondhand int eh "up to 80 quid" bracket.


    I can't go back to dSLRS as I just can use the viewfinders these days (which are invariably dark on lower-end stuff)


    Graham (wot's gettin' 'orriby frustrated)  :wallbash:


  5. :lol: Didn't know they were still playing that scam - well handled :)


    My favourite is Virgin. "Is that Mr Wilson?" "Yep" "Can I call you Graham?" "Most people call me Agnes during the day - do you like my dress?" .....

  6. Many of the lenses that come my way have done just that - spent years in attics (worse possible place) and I generally reject half.


    I can't see anything like the LCE statistics being the case with lenses that have been stored 'normally' though.


    That said, houses these days are all sealed-up with pish-poor ventilation. Warm and humid, perfect conditions for fungus to grow into the dreaded fronds.

  7. That sounds like a good plan..

    It  would be interesting to know what gel you use and if it's freely available to buy.

    Generally known as "indicator silica gel". The blue/pink one has been outlawed now, I think the replacement is yellow/green. usually easy to find on ebay etc (though some sellers charge more for it than 18ct gold!) Somewhere around five to ten quid for a kg should be about right.

  8. I keep all of those little bags with granules in that you get when you buy something new, and pop one of two in with my camera's. Not much I know, but they do soak up some of the moisture if there is any.

    They do, yes, but only at first. The silica gel inside becomes saturated quite quickly, and will rarely lower the humidity to below about 40 percent in a sealed container. I make up large fabric bags and fill with silca gel with an indicator built-in. When the granules are blue, it's dry, when pink, saturated. De-saturating is as easy as putting them in a hot oven after I've done some baking for an hour or so until they turn blue.


    Every little helps.

  9. A common issue. It can be killed-off, though, but not before it's usually etched the coating. When I had a well-equipped lab at my disposal, I had significant success exposing the lens directly under a hideously dangerous and powerful UV lamp, usually for about a week to a month, depending on how many lens elements there were.


    But the bottom line is never buy a lens that has fungus, it should be considered a write-off. If it's a particularly valuable one though, it might be worth popping a hundred quid in a box with the lens and sending it off for professional dismantling and cleaning.

  10. The cheap ND's seem to give a colour cast - have you considered Cokin type of square filters?  Having sait that, I might be tempted to try a cheap variable to see of its a viable option

    Looked at that option, but the current camera has a 67mm filter thred which pushes me into the Cokin P range and associated price bracket :(

  11. I feel the need to have some ND filters, in order that I may repay Fuji for his lovely street portraits by offering-up some milky water to thrill and delight him ;)


    But seriously, buying a whole set is a little steep, so I was wondering if anyone has tried the variable ND filters at all. Something like this:




    but hopefully less "Who Flung Dung" and more "Hoya". But that sort of thing. I've never seen them before so feeling a bit dubious.





  12. To be honest Fuji, I found the whole things horrendously stressful. I really thought it was a secret. The worry I went through thinking what would happen if my parents ever found out, and worrying about why it was a secret :o I can well imagine what KGB spies went through undercover in UK Government departments :lol:

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